You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 663

She was as angry as if she was going to explode.

She really can't contain the hatred in her heart. Taking advantage of the opportunity that ye Xingbei and Gu Junzhu have dinner in the hotel, she sends someone to put hypnotic drugs in their soup, and then wait for the drug to take effect. She makes people cut off the electricity of the hotel and kidnaps Ye Xingbei here.

She thinks that everything she does is perfect. Even if Gu Jun can trace here afterwards, it will take at least one or two days.

At that time, ye Xingbei had become a corpse.

And she's already gone on a plane.

No one knew that she had been here.

No one knows that ye Xingbei was killed by her.

Ye Xingbei, who has robbed her of all her opportunities, and ye Xingbei, whom she hates to the bone, will die miserably in her hands.

What about being luckier than her?

She is the one who laughs to the end and wins!

But everything, in Gu Jun by handsome matchless face appeared in her sight that moment, into a bubble.

It didn't take a day or two.

Without even an hour or two, Gu Junzhu found her.

And And

She turned her head hard, and her eyes fell on GaN Xintong's face.

Wen An has gone over, untie the rope on GaN Xintong's hands and feet, and let her put on her clothes.

She was sitting on the floor, buttoning and crying.

This time, she finally saw clearly.


That's not yexingbei.

That's Gan Xintong!

It's Gan Xintong who seduces Gu Junzhu with all her temptations!

How could that be?

How can it be like this?

She turned back and looked at Gu Junzhu, "it's you! It's all designed by you, isn't it? You deliberately let me tie the wrong person! I saw you and ye Xingbei walk into the hotel room with my own eyes. I can't be wrong. You changed people, right? "

Gu Jun tilted his lips: "I heard that the sentence of kidnapping in country y is usually indefinite. Congratulations, Mrs. Huang. You have found a free meal ticket for life."

"Why? Why? Why are you so cruel? " Jiang Siyou couldn't control his mood any more. He stood up and rushed toward Gu Jun: "I like you so much! I hate to hurt you, why do you want to count me? You know my plan, even if I don't succeed, why do you want to change someone? How can you be so vicious? How can I? "

If Gu Junzhu exposes her on the spot, she can only be convicted of attempted kidnapping. Even if she is sentenced, she can come out in three or five years.

But Gu Junzhu let her tie the wrong person.

She waved the whip and thought it was the person she hated most, but it was just her dream.

She got nothing.

She didn't touch a hair of Ye Xingbei, but she was going to jail for a lifetime.

She is still so young, her life has just begun, how can Gu Jun chase him so ruthlessly?

Before she got close to Gu Junzhu, Gu Chi kicked her out.

She fell heavily on the ground, covered her stomach, curled up in a ball, and wailed: "why? Why are you all so cruel to me? What did I do wrong? You're all going to do this to me? All the good things come from ye Xingbei, and all the pain comes from me. What did I do wrong? "

"You made a lot of mistakes." Ye Xingbei steps down the long ladder and stops beside Gu Junzhu.

Gu Jun looks at her with a smile and gentle eyes.

She and Gu Jun looked at each other with a smile and turned to look at Jiang Siyou: "Jiang Siyou, your biggest mistake is that you don't know what mistakes you have made so far. Up to now, you still put all the responsibility on others and think that you are innocent. Even if you are given ten or 100 more opportunities, you will still end up in the present situation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!