You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 665

"But you're nothing, are you?" Jiang Siyou roared: "you have been taken in by Ye Xinglan and ye Xingli. You live a more noble life than in the Jiang family. If it wasn't for me, how could you have the chance to be taken in by the Ye family? How can you be the star that everyone envies? You have today all these, all thanks to me, you don't know Thanksgiving, don't repay me even, you still harm me, you have no conscience, you can't die well! "

Ye Xingbei was angry and laughed by her divine logic: "according to you, the protagonist in the martial arts blockbuster was pushed down the cliff by a bad man and didn't die. By chance, he got the martial arts secret script. Can't the protagonist not only find the person who pushed him down the cliff for revenge, but also thank him and repay him?"

Gu Jun pulled her up, encircled her shoulder and took her into his arms. He rubbed the palm of his hand on her shoulder and said, "well, I've taught you a long time ago. Don't reason with me. You can't win."

"You're right," Ye Xingbei nodded, "anyway, I just have a clear conscience. She likes how to say it."

Jiang Siyou was lying on the ground, crying and laughing. He was crazy.

She dreams of revenge Ye Xingbei.

But now, at last, she's going to make her dream come true.

Wen An handcuffed her and announced that she was officially arrested by the police of Y country.

Jiang Siyou knew that her life of freedom came to an abrupt end at this moment.

At that time, before she knew that she was not Jiang Zhengxing's own daughter, she envied her two younger brothers.

She thinks it's better to be a son and have the right of inheritance.

Ye Xingbei was found back to the Jiang family. After learning that she was not the Jiang family's own flesh and blood, she was terrified. She thought it would be nice if she were the Jiang family's own daughter.

Learning that there is a girl in the Jiang family who wants to marry Gu and marry a dying man as a widow, she racked her brains to marry Ye Xingbei.

But when Gu Junzhu stood in front of her like a God, she thought, if only she had married Gu Junzhu.

Forced to marry Huang Siyuan, she thought bitterly that it would be nice if she didn't have to marry Huang Siyuan.

In a word, along the way, she was unhappy every day, every step of the way.

Until the moment she was handcuffed, she suddenly found that all the disappointments in the past were her own fault.

Compared with wearing handcuffs, going to prison and losing freedom, she was happy every day before.

But she is too greedy, greedy desire will never be satisfied.

She used to be luckier than many people, but she was never really happy.

She closed her eyes, didn't speak any more, took a heavy step, step by step up the steps and left the basement.

Wen An followed her and went out.

Yu Xingchen goes to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei and points to Gan Xintong, "what can she do?"

Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "she was sent to our home by officer Yu himself. Now of course I want to return to Zhao completely and return her to officer Yu."

Yu Xingchen took a puff from the corner of his mouth and looked innocent: "she strongly asked me to send her to your house. I'm a good public servant of the people. I just helped the people. I can't say that she didn't return anything. She has nothing to do with me."

"She has nothing to do with me," Gu Jun chuckled. "So, the people are good servants. Take good care of your people. It's time for Beibei and I to go home."

He patted Yu Xingchen on the shoulder twice, took Ye Xingbei's shoulder and turned to walk out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!