You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 662

As for revenge on Jiang Zhengxing and Xu Yanlai, Xu Yanlai has been arrested in prison, and she still needs Jiang Zhengxing's daughter to protect herself.

Huang Siyuan and Jiang Zhengxing are friends.

Huang Siyuan did not know that she and Jiang Zhengxing had lost their father daughter relationship.

Looking at Jiang Zhengxing's face, even if Huang Siyuan tortured her at night, he still gave her some face in front of others.

But if Jiang Zhengxing is finished, she is no different from other women around Huang Siyuan.

All these, she can't do, she thought of Ye Xingbei.

She hates Ye Xingbei.

It was Ye Xingbei who robbed Gu Junzhu.

She should have married Gu Junzhu.

If there is no Ye Xingbei, the woman who is chased by Gu Jun is Jiang Siyou.

So she encouraged Huang Siyuan to kidnap Ye Xingbei.

She knows that Huang Siyuan is lustful. She describes the beauty of Ye Xingbei as hard to find in the sky and hard to find on the ground.

Ye Xingbei is really beautiful enough to make Huang Siyuan moved.

But when Huang Siyuan knew that ye Xingbei was Gu Junzhu's woman, he tortured her severely and scolded her for being uneasy and kind-hearted.

Although Huang Siyuan did not say, she saw that Huang Siyuan was afraid of Gu Junzhu.

He dare not provoke Ye Xingbei.

She was desperate.

She can't get what she wants. She can't destroy what she wants. What's the point of her life?

Just when she was desperate, there was an accident in the underground prostitute house of Y country.

If not handled properly, it is likely to involve Huang Siyuan.

Huang Siyuan came to Y country with her in a hurry.

After arriving in the Y country, she learned that Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei were also in the Y country, and even the underground prostitutes were retaliated and investigated, which was also related to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei.

She was overjoyed.

Huang Siyuan is running outside, trying to pick him out of the case.

Huang Siyuan certainly suffered a lot from the loss of a well-earned underground prostitute's shop, but what he was more afraid of was to bring out the radish and mud and involve him.

He doesn't want to go to jail.

Taking advantage of Huang Siyuan's lack of time to take care of her, she spent a lot of money and hired a private detective to investigate Ye Xingbei.

Although Huang Siyuan didn't treat her as a human being, he never treated her badly in money.

After learning the existence of Gan Xintong from the private detective, she disguised herself and found Gan Xintong. She flattered Gu Junzhu and asked her to seduce him.

She described to Gan Xintong many attractive prospects to Gu Junzhu, and then taught her how to Approach Gu Junzhu.

Gan Xintong was released from the police station, destitute, not even a place to settle down, easily accepted her advice, let Yu Xingchen sent her home.

She is very proud of her plan.

She just wanted to make ye Xingbei sick.

Didn't Gu Junzhu like her attractive face?

she sent as like as two peas of her face.

Gan Xintong is more beautiful than Ye Xing.

No one knows better than she what kind of woman men like better.

Ye Xingbei's face is really longer than Gan Xintong's, but can Gan Xintong play with men? Does Ye Xingbei travel?

She believed that as long as he had tried the taste of Gan Xintong, Gu Junzhu would no longer like the wood like Ye Xingbei!

After sending Gan Xintong to Gu's home, she always stares at the movement of Gu's home, hoping to see ye Xingbei quarrel with Gu Jun and run out crying. Then she can take the opportunity to kidnap Ye Xingbei.

Who knows, she waited and waited, not until ye Xingbei left Gu's manor crying, but with Gu Junzhu, talking and laughing with two cubs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!