You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6623

Zhao Guangsheng, sitting on the steps with his head in his arms, looked up at her and his eyes were red: "Mom, Jiajia wants to divorce me..."

"What?... divorce?" Zhao's mother stared in disbelief: "Guangsheng, what's the matter with Jiajia? Why, why do you want to divorce suddenly?"

Zhao Chenlu frowned, held her stomach and asked, "is it my sister-in-law out there?"

"Shut up!" Zhao Guangsheng looked at her angrily. "Isn't it all because of you? You're pregnant and don't keep it well in your mother-in-law's house. What's the matter with you living in your mother's house every day? Now your sister-in-law is going to divorce me. Are you happy?"

Zhao Chenlu was startled by his sudden roar: "Zhao Guangsheng, are you sick? I'm pregnant with a child. What if you suddenly howl and scare my child?"

"Your child?" Zhao Guangsheng suddenly stood up from the steps and trembled angrily: "you only care about your child. Do you know that because of you, the child I finally hope to come is gone!"

Although he tried his best to defend himself in front of the Tang family, trying to prove that he was right, he was not upset.

He would also think that if Zhao Chenlu stayed at her mother's house and didn't come back to live at her mother's house.

Even if you come back to live in your mother's house, it doesn't matter. Be honest, don't toss around, don't call Tang Jiajia, don't make Tang Jiajia angry, and his children may be fine.

But it happened that his sister had no princess life. She was sick and pregnant with a child. She became the Empress Dowager and old Buddha. She shouted at home every day and didn't do anything. She wanted to have her clothes washed by Tang Jiajia.

His mother is a gentle woman. The only disadvantage may be that she dotes on her children too much. His mother is very kind to Tang Jiajia, but she is better to his sister.

Especially after the other sisters got pregnant, his mother followed what his sister wanted to do. His sister instructed Tang Jiajia. Tang Jiajia was not happy. His mother also talked to Tang Jiajia and begged Tang Jiajia to be wronged for her sake for a few months until his sister gave birth to the child.

If Tang Jiajia is not pregnant, for his mother's sake, he may really endure until his sister has a baby.

But Tang Jiajia was pregnant and miscarried. Tang Jiajia was angry and sad, so he decided to divorce him!

He is probably the only man who has lost his wife and children because his sister is a troublemaker.

He hates me!

Looking at the hatred in his eyes, Zhao's mother was frightened. She asked, "Guangsheng, what are you talking about? What child? Where did you get the child?"

"My child..." Zhao Guangsheng's heart ached and tears swirled in his eyes: "Jiajia's child and I... Miscarried... Jiajia miscarried as soon as she knew she was pregnant..."

Zhao's mother was flustered and distressed: "how did she miscarry?"

"Why did she miscarry? I want to ask you!" Zhao Guangsheng roared: "Zhao Chenlu is pregnant and becomes a glass man. She can't do anything. She instructs Jiajia to do it. There is a cooking nanny at home. She doesn't use Jiajia!"

He looked at Zhao Chenlu with hatred and asked, "Zhao Chenlu, what's your heart? Are you uncomfortable when you see that I'm doing well? Now that my child is gone, my wife is going to divorce me. Are you happy?"

"What are you talking about?" seeing Zhao Guangsheng's hate eyes, Zhao Chenlu panicked.

She is a girl and a sister. She is the most favored at home. From small to large, Zhao Guangsheng has always taken care of her and let her. This is the first time Zhao Guangsheng yelled at her.

Even, Zhao Guangsheng looked at her with hatred in his eyes., the fastest update of the webnovel!