You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6622

"You have a big problem!" Downes sneered, "What is your so-called love? Do you treat my sister as a servant? Our Tang family is not a rich family, but we also have five servants and three drivers. From childhood to childhood, my sister doesn't touch the spring water. She hasn't been in the kitchen. But she can marry into your family and learn how to wash and cook. That's all. It's fun to cook for her husband occasionally. I don't mind, but you I asked my sister to cook for your sister? Why do you have such a big face? "

At this point, Downes Nian is going crazy.

If he had not been a famous "Confucian general" in the legal profession and was unwilling to destroy his image, he would have wanted to scold.

When their little princess was raised at home, she just ate, drank and married. If she needed to take care of her husband, they recognized it, but her sister had to take care of her husband's sister.

Why is the Zhao family's face so big?

It's all like this. Zhao Guangsheng has the face to say in front of him that he loves his sister.


"It's not always like this," Zhao Guangsheng argued. "It's just that my sister is pregnant recently and can't eat. Jiajia's cooking is just good. It's hard for Jiajia to help my sister cook."

"Get out!" Tang Sinian looked at him like garbage. "What does your sister's pregnancy have to do with my sister? Is the child she gave birth to surnamed Tang? Your sister is pregnant, and my sister has just conceived no child. I won't kill Bo Ren. Bo Ren died because of me. Do you understand? Life of flesh and blood, blood sea deep hatred, you still want to make up with my sister? Dream!"

Zhao Guangsheng's face flushed: "Jiajia is my wife. The children born to my sister should be called aunt. They are all a family. It's not a treacherous thing for a sister-in-law to cook a few meals for her sister-in-law? As for the children... The children are my own flesh and blood. I'm very sad when the children are gone, but it can't be counted on my sister. If Jiajia is in good health, how can she cook a few meals for the children Abortion? It has nothing to do with cooking! "

"Up to now, you are still sophistry," Downes sneered, "When a sister-in-law is called three times and four times by a sister-in-law, and she is called to cook in the middle of the night, my sister is in a good mood? She goes to work during the day and is called by your sister at night. You tell me that the abortion of the child has nothing to do with your sister? Your sister is pregnant and she is restless in her house. Like the Empress Dowager Buddha, she let my sister serve. My sister is pregnant and has to work And serve your sister! "

Tang Sinian hehe: "Zhao Guangsheng, you can't even protect your wife and children. Your sister is married and let your sister shit on your wife's neck. You're not a man at all. You don't deserve a wife and children!"

Zhao Guangsheng's forehead was dripping with sweat, his face was red, his mouth was open and tongue tied, and he couldn't say a word.

Downesnian glanced at him with disdain, snorted coldly and continued to direct the people of the moving company to move things.

The people of the moving company moved for more than two hours and emptied the Zhao family. They didn't even let go of the pots and pans. They only left daily necessities such as clothes for the Zhao Guangsheng family, and the water heater was removed!

The Tang family doesn't lack this money, but even if he donates, he won't leave it to the Zhao family.

Zhao's mother and Zhao Chenlu came back from shopping and were stunned to see the empty room.

Zhao's mother rushed to Zhao Guangsheng in panic: "Guangsheng, what's the matter at home? Did you recruit a thief?"


Dear drops, it's too tired to update continuously. Take a day off today, and these two photos will be updated tomorrow. Thank you for your company and love you all the way~, the fastest update of the webnovel!