You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6624

The conditions of her married husband's family were average. The house was not as big as her mother's family. She also lived with her mother-in-law, father-in-law and aunt who came back from divorce with her children. After she became pregnant, she felt uncomfortable in her mother-in-law's family, so she went back to her mother's family to raise her baby.

Her brother has loved her since childhood and has been helping her since she got married.

Her mother is old. If she wants not to be bullied in her mother-in-law's house in the future, she has to rely on her brother. She doesn't want to offend her brother.

She was afraid that Zhao Guangsheng really hated her and ignored her in the future. She didn't dare to yell at Zhao Guangsheng and said in a soft voice, "brother, we are brothers and sisters. Of course, I hope you live well. If you live well, I can also shine on you? How can I not expect you?"

"You're looking forward to my well-being. You've lost my child and made Jiajia want to divorce me?" Zhao Guangsheng shouted painfully: "now, my child has miscarried and my wife wants to divorce me. Are you happy?"

Zhao's mother asked, "Guangsheng, what's going on? When was Jiajia pregnant? Why didn't mom listen to you? Why did you miscarry again? Haven't you been looking forward to having a baby? Why miscarry?"

"I didn't miscarry on purpose, but I lost it accidentally," said Zhao Guangsheng painfully. "Jiajia didn't know she was pregnant, so the child ran away..."

Zhao Chenlu said anxiously, "that's my sister-in-law's poor health. The child has no fate with you. What does it have to do with me?"

She can't carry this pot. She won't be good for the rest of her life.

"It doesn't matter to you?" Zhao Guangsheng said bitterly, "your sister-in-law is weak. It's hard to go to work during the day. When you go home at night, you let your sister-in-law cook. If your sister-in-law doesn't do it, you'll be weird and annoy your sister-in-law. After you're pregnant, you don't do anything except eat, drink and play. When your sister-in-law is pregnant, she not only has to work, but also has to be angry. Is she okay?"

The more Zhao's mother listened, the more distressed she was, and the more she listened, the more ugly her face became.

Her great grandson!

Since her son and daughter-in-law got married, she has been looking forward to her grandchildren for so long. She hasn't seen hope yet. The child is gone!

Not only did the child disappear, but her daughter-in-law also wanted to fly. She was anxious and sweated all over.

Up to now, the child's needs have been put aside in advance, and the daughter-in-law must be coaxed back first.

The daughter-in-law's family condition is better than theirs, but the daughter-in-law has no temper and gets along well with her and her son.

She has always liked her daughter-in-law. The couple's feelings are good. She never thought that her son and daughter-in-law would divorce.

A few years ago, she found out that her husband had a third child outside and an illegitimate son. She was very angry and divorced her husband.

I thought she could share half of the family property, but I didn't know that her husband was ready to transfer all the family property.

At the time of divorce, she got nothing except two-thirds of the house they lived in.

The old house in their family is broken and old. worthless.

After his son married his daughter-in-law, he sold the old house. The down payment for the new house was not enough. The rest was paid by her daughter-in-law's mother's family.

Although the names of her son and daughter-in-law were written on the real estate certificate, after buying the house, the two went to the notary office for notarization. Later, the house loan was repaid by Tang Jiajia's mother.

During the marriage of her son and daughter-in-law, their family has the right to use it, but once they divorce, regardless of whether the house will increase in value in the future, their family can only get the original down payment. The house and part of the appreciation of the house have nothing to do with their family., the fastest update of the webnovel!