You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6621

He doesn't want to divorce, but marriage depends not only on his wishes, but also on the wishes of the other party.

He said all his good words, but Tang Jiajia ignored him. After packing up his things, he left with his mother.

Downes stayed and watched the workers move things.

Everything in the new house was bought with the dowry money given to Tang Jiajia by Tang Jiapei. Tang Sinian commanded the moving company and almost emptied the whole house, even the empty withers.

Zhao Guangsheng was dying of anger, but there was no way.

Are you kidding?

Can he speak better than the famous gold medal lawyer in the capital industry?


When Downes was young, he opened his brother's security company. He had a hundred strong men under his hand. It was like playing to kill him.

Sitting on the sofa, he thought of the place where he was angry, his face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and he thought that Tang Jiajia might really divorce him.

He was flustered, angry and restless. The people from the moving company came over: "Sir, you let, Mr. Tang said that his sister bought the sofa, and we're going to move."

"..." Zhao Guangsheng shivered angrily.

that 's going too far!

that 's going too far!!

"Tang Sinian..." he suddenly stood up from the sofa and roared with red eyes.

Downes Nian, who was directing the people of the moving company to demolish the house, looked at him coldly, "what's up?"

Zhao Guangsheng trembled angrily: "don't go too far! Jiajia and I are husband and wife! Husband and wife fight, bedside fight and bedside fight. Jiajia and I may make up tomorrow. If you make our home like this, you're not afraid Jiajia will blame you?"

"You think too much," said Downes Nian: "Zhao Guangsheng, it seems that you don't know my sister at all. My sister is soft on the outside and hard on the inside. She is very tolerant at ordinary times. She looks like a steamed stuffed bun. However, if anyone touches her bottom line and lets her make a decision, she won't look back! She's not the kind of girl who is half hearted and rebellious. She has identified a way. She doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back. Now, she's bleeding and dead If you look back, you won't come back. "

"No... no..." Zhao Guangsheng shook his head with a pale face: "my mother is my mother, my sister is my sister, I am me... I have such a good relationship with Jiajia, and Jiajia won't divorce me..."

He always felt that Tang Jiajia lived with him, not with his mother and his sister. Even if Tang Jiajia had problems with his mother and his sister, it didn't matter. He endured it and passed.

It is he and Tang Jiajia who want to stay together for a long time. As long as the relationship between him and Tang Jiajia is OK.

He couldn't understand that Tang Jiajia had a problem with his mother and his sister and wanted to divorce him.

Their husband and wife have such a good relationship. They are happy and close to each other. How can Tang Jiajia be willing to divorce him?

"You are so stupid, no wonder Jiajia wants to divorce you!" downesian looked at him piteously and shook his head: "you still think that there is only a problem with Jiajia's relationship with your mother and your sister. Are you okay?"

"Of course!" Zhao Guangsheng's eyes flushed: "I love Jiajia. Jiajia is my first love! I have been in love with Jiajia for three years and married for two years. I am devoted to Jiajia and only have her in my heart! I don't smoke, drink or socialize. I never spend the night outside except on business trips. My whole heart is on Jiajia and Jiajia likes me. What's the problem with our relationship?", the fastest update of the webnovel!