You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6620

"Jiajia, calm down," said Zhao Guangsheng with a frown. "Divorce is not a child's play."

"Yes, divorce is not a children's play!" Tang Jiajia said, "it is precisely because divorce is not a children's play that I have been giving way and compromising! From the beginning, I was unwilling to cook for your sister, but you asked me to endure and persuade me to let me. After listening, I have to get up in the middle of the night to cook for your sister! Zhao Guangsheng, have you experienced my hard work?"

As she said this, Tang Jiajia had tears in her eyes: "I have to work during the day and can only rest at night. In the middle of the night, you call the nanny, and the nanny may not be willing to serve your sister. What's more, I'm a sister-in-law? But have you ever understood me? You only understand your sister and always say that your sister is pregnant!"

The more she said, the more angry she became: "She is pregnant and she is pregnant with her child. What does it matter to me? Why should I be a sister-in-law to get up and cook for her? If you are a good man, I don't say, you should blame her and support me! What about you? What have you done? You will only say that your sister has a big belly, needs nutrition, can't eat what she wants, and is bad for the child, but what does that have to do with me Department? "

Zhao Guangsheng muttered, "she is my sister..."

"Yes, she is your sister, my sister!" Zhao Jiajia got up and went down to the ground, "so you can serve yourself in the future. I won't serve you!"

She looked at Tang's mother and Tang Sinian: "Mom, brother, help me pack my things. I want to go home!"

"Well," said downesnian, "how many things can we three move? I'll find a moving company."

He said to do it, took out his mobile phone and contacted the moving company.

The Zhao family's house is a new house and a wedding house prepared by the Zhao family for Zhao Guangsheng.

The furniture in the house is the dowry delivered by the Tang family to Tang Jiajia. Since they are going to divorce, these furniture can't be cheap for the Zhao family.

Hearing that Tang Sinian contacted the moving company, Zhao Guangsheng was in a hurry. "Brother, have something to say. How can the husband and wife not quarrel? How can they say that divorce is divorce?"

"Get away!" after contacting the moving company, Tang Sinian put away his mobile phone and looked at him contemptuously. "Even the loser who can't protect his wife, won't divorce, and still keep you for the new year? My sister is beautiful, capable and sensible. What good man can't be found. Why waste it on you?"

He grabbed Tang Jiajia's shoulder. "Several of my brothers are thinking about Jiajia. If I leave you today, my sister will be able to marry a hundred times stronger than you tomorrow! If I can marry my sister, my sister is blind. You burned Gao Xiang. You don't take good care of my sister, but you bully her. Now you still want not to divorce? You think my sister is an orphan without parents and brothers?"

Downes Nian is a lawyer and a famous gold medal lawyer in the industry.

Zhao Guangsheng didn't have much contact with Tang Sinian. In his impression, Tang Sinian was a man with high cold and lust.

But now, he found that he was wrong.

What kind of man with high cold and desire is clearly a man with Max mouth gun skill.

He was so confused that he couldn't say anything to refute it.

His mind is in a mess and he has only one idea - he doesn't want a divorce.

He loves Tang Jiajia. Their husband and wife are happy with each other and have the same hobbies. They live a sweet and delicious life. How can they divorce because of this little trifle?

He felt that Tang's mother and Tang Sinian were too inconsiderate to the overall situation.

Tang Jiajia was angry because of miscarriage and wanted a divorce. As a bystander, shouldn't he persuade Tang Jiajia not to divorce?

As Tang Jiajia's mother and brother, how can Tang's mother and Tang Sinian not only not persuade Tang Jiajia, but also add fuel to the fire?, the fastest update of the webnovel!