You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 661

One of the bodyguards reached out to touch the gun. There was a bang and the bullet hit his wrist.

He screamed, the gun in his hand fell to the ground, he screamed, covered his wrist and fell to the ground.

The rest of the people did not have a fluke mentality, dare not move, hands holding the head, squatting on the ground.

Gan Xintong screamed: "I'm not ye Xingbei. I'm Gan Xintong. Help me, help me!"

Gu Jun walks down the steps to Jiang Siyou.

Jiang Siyou, squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, can't help looking up when he sees the limited edition snow-white casual shoes in front of him.

Gu Jun's gorgeous face came into her eyes.

With one hand in his pocket, he is noble and lazy. He has a leisurely manner. He has a smile like nothing on his lips. His eyes are full of interest and teasing.

"It's you..." Jiang Siyou stares at the face that haunts her.

Since the day ye Xing returned to the north, Gu Junzhu has become her obsession.

She often dreams that instead of refusing the marriage, she happily married Gu Junzhu.

After she got married, she found that Gu Junzhu was not terminally ill. On the contrary, he was vigorous and energetic.

He because she did not dislike him "dying", desperate to marry him, and grateful, deep love.

He was obedient and obedient to her. For her sake, he brought Ye Xingbei, jianglingyu, Jiang Zhengxing, Xu Yanlai, and many other people who had bullied her and looked down upon her into the dust, making them feel worse than death and never turn over.

He took her by the hand, stood in the spotlight, kissed her, knelt on one knee and put on a diamond ring for her.

The light of the world seems to fall only on her. She stands at the top, and everyone looks up to her, including Gu Junzhu who kneels at her feet.

Unfortunately, everything is just a dream.

What really happens in the real world is that she dislikes Gu Junzhu, and soon dies, designs Ye Xingbei to marry Gu Junzhu.

And she married Huang Siyuan, who was old, ugly and changed.

In order to survive, she had to endure nausea to please Huang Siyuan.

She is young, beautiful and resourceful, but Huang Siyuan's heart is attracted by her.

But Huang Siyuan is a change of state in his heart. Even if he says he loves her, at night, he becomes a psycho and comes up with all kinds of ways to torture her.

She's not like his wife, she's more like his dog.

Although she could not bear to tear her face with the Jiang family, she was still the first lady of the Jiang family. Huang Siyuan still insulted her as a beast.

Even more, because of her status as a distinguished miss of the Jiang family, Huang Siyuan's desire to change her state can be satisfied. Huang Siyuan's torture on her is endless.

On the surface, she is Huang Siyuan's wife. When Huang Siyuan takes her out to meet people, she pretends to be a gentle and good husband. But she knows what kind of devil she is in private.

She thought about running away, killing Huang Siyuan, and taking revenge on Jiang Zhengxing and Xu Yanlai by Huang Siyuan's hand. But in the end, she gave up.

Huang Siyuan is rich and powerful. He also put six bodyguards beside her. He said that he was protecting her, but in fact he was monitoring her.

She can't escape.

Huang Siyuan cherishes her life very much. She is cunning and alert. If she does harm to Huang Siyuan, she will die. If Huang Siyuan does not die, she will be tortured to death.

Think about Huang Siyuan's torture methods, Jiang Siyou didn't have the courage to take risks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!