You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6617

"Yes, young master!" Gu Chi immediately got out of the car and walked towards the carving time.

As soon as he walked in, Lin wanyang saw him, "Gu tezhu?"

Gu Chi asked, "what's the matter?"

Lin wanyang said, "a clerk suddenly had a stomachache. I was going to take her to the hospital."

Gu Chi saw Tang Jiajia surrounded by several shop assistants.

Tang Jiajia bent over, his face was very white, and his forehead was cold sweat.

He frowned and asked Lin wanyang, "can I help you?"

"No," said Lin wanyang, "I'll just drive Jiajia."

Gu Chi nodded, returned to the car and reported the situation to Gu Jun one by one.

Gu Junzhu looked over there again, "pay attention."

Gu Chi nodded: "understand, young master!"

Gu Cheng restarted the car and left the shop.

Several clerks helped Tang Jiajia and put her on Lin wanyang's car.

Lin wanyang ordered two clerks to accompany her, took Tang Jiajia to the hospital and hung up the emergency room.

Soon, the diagnosis came out.

"Abortion," the doctor said regretfully, "I can't keep it. Get ready and have an abortion."

"Miscarriage?" Lin wanyang looked at Tang Jiajia in surprise. "Jiajia, are you pregnant? Why didn't you listen to you?"

Tang Jiajia is also stupid.

She's pregnant?

She had been pregnant for more than a year, but her menstrual leave was not allowed. The doctor said she was not easy to get pregnant. She looked forward to it again and again, but every time her great aunt came, her hope of pregnancy was dashed.

She didn't expect that she was finally pregnant, but before she could be happy, the doctor told her that her child couldn't be saved!

The doctor asked, "are the family members here? They need to sign."

"The family hasn't come yet," said Lin wanyang. "I'm her leader."

"Leaders can't," said the doctor. "Family members must sign."

Lin wanyang urged Tang Jiajia: "Jiajia, call your husband and let him come."

Tang Jiajia nodded, "OK."

She wiped the tears on her face that she didn't know when to flow out, called her husband and asked him to come quickly.

Soon, her husband came in a hurry, sweating: "Jiajia, what's the matter? When did you get pregnant? Why did you miscarry?"

Tang Jiajia looked at him coldly with tears in her eyes and said nothing.

The doctor handed the operation sheet to her husband: "sign quickly and you can have the operation."

"Do you have to have an abortion?" Zhao Guangsheng looked eagerly at the doctor and asked, "we've been looking forward to this child for a long time, doctor, can you think of a way..."

"There's no way," said the doctor regretfully. "Your wife is in the state of incomplete abortion now. The child can't be saved anyway. Hurry to have an operation, or adults will be in danger."

Zhao Guangsheng had no choice but to sign his name on the operation sheet.

Soon, Tang Jiajia was pushed into the operating room.

More than an hour later, Tang Jiajia was pushed out of the operating room.

Zhao Guangsheng eagerly approached, "Jiajia, how do you feel?"

The doctor said, "you don't need to be hospitalized. In the future, you can come to the hospital for infusion every day, lose it for three days, and rest at home at other times."

"Thank you, doctor." after Zhao Guangsheng thanked Tang Jiajia, he helped Tang Jiajia down from the cart. He held Tang Jiajia and said to Lin wanyang, "manager Lin, thank you for your help. Jiajia and I will invite you to dinner another day."

"It's all right. We should do it," Lin wanyang said to Tang Jiajia. "Jiajia, we have 15 days of abortion vacation in our store. You can have a good rest at home and keep your body well. Your child will have it in the future.", the fastest update of the webnovel!