You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6618

Tang Jiajia nodded, "I see. Thank you, sister wanyang."

"Then I'll go back first?" Lin wanyang said, "call me whenever you have something."

After seeing Lin wanyang off, Zhao Guangsheng and Tang Jiajia also left the hospital.

Back home, lying in bed, Tang Jiajia called her mother: "Mom, I have something to tell you, you and my brother come to my house."

Tang's mother asked anxiously, "Jiajia, what's the matter with you? Why are you so weak?"

"I'm fine," said Tang Jiajia. "Mom, come with my brother. I have something important to tell you."

Mother Tang said, "OK, I'll be there right away."

Zhao Guangsheng poured Tang Jiajia a cup of hot water. "Jiajia, what do you want our mother and brother to do?"

Tang Jiajia didn't take his water or talk to him.

Zhao Guangsheng was a little flustered.

He patted Tang Jiajia gently and comforted softly: "it's all right, Jiajia. I know the child is gone. You're very sad and I'm also very sad, but it doesn't matter. We're still young and will have it in the future."

Tang Jiajia remained silent.

Looking at him like this, Zhao Guangsheng was so flustered that he always felt that something bad had happened.

The Tang family and the Zhao family are not far away. Soon, Tang's mother and Tang Jiajia's brother Tang Sinian came to the Zhao family.

When she came to the bedroom and saw her daughter lying in bed pale, Tang's mother immediately felt distressed: "Jiajia, what's the matter with you?"

"Mom -" Tang Jiajia saw his mother and brother, and the tears she had endured flowed out of her eyes, "I had a miscarriage, mom! I finally conceived a child. I had a miscarriage before I could be happy!"

"Miscarriage?" Tang's mother was shocked. "Well, how did you miscarry?"

She knows that her daughter has been married for more than two years and has always wanted a child. She has been pregnant for more than a year, but she has not been pregnant. Her daughter is very worried. It's easy to be pregnant. How did she miscarry?

"Mom..." Tang Jiajia cried, "I want a divorce!"

Now, it's Zhao Guangsheng's turn to be stunned, "Jiajia!"

Tang's mother looked sharply at Zhao Guangsheng: "is abortion related to him?"

"No, no!" Zhao Guangsheng shook his head quickly. "Mom, I just know Jiajia's abortion. I don't know Jiajia's pregnancy. Jiajia's abortion has nothing to do with me."

"Mom, the abortion has nothing to do with him, but I can't live with him," Tang Jiajia cried "Mom, you don't know how their family bullied me. His sister was pregnant. She didn't eat his mother's meal or the nanny's meal. She had to eat my meal. I cooked rice for her. I made wonton. She said she wanted to eat dumplings. I made dumplings. She said she wanted to eat steamed stuffed buns..."

Tang Jiajia burst into tears: "I'm very tired when I came home from work the day before. I have to cook for his sister. I can't cook a meal, but I have to cook several meals! Sometimes I sleep, and his sister and his mother call me up to cook for his sister..."

"What?" mother Tang's face was green with anger. "You child! Why don't you tell your mother they bully you so much?"

Tang Jiajia cried and said, "Zhao Guangsheng always advised me that his sister is pregnant and tastes tricky. He likes to eat the rice I cooked... He said that his sister is pregnant for a few months and will be fine when she is born... I don't want to quarrel with them because of this, so I think it's OK to bear it...", the fastest update of the webnovel!