You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6616

Xue Yang also saw Shang Suihe.

He is much more calm than Zhang Qiuping. Although his clothes are wrinkled, his face looks very calm, not as embarrassed as Zhang Qiuping.

He looked at Shang Suihe with complicated eyes and said nothing. He calmly passed Shang Suihe.

So far, he has accepted his fate.

In fact, the moment master Xue brought Shang Suihe back to the Xue family, he was mentally prepared.

There may be perfect crimes in the world, but even if there are, it is certainly not what he can do at this level.

If Shang Suihe is still the poor girl of the merchant and has only a cowardly mother who can't help up the wall like mud, he is sure that no one can find anything.

But when Shang Suihe changed, he became the granddaughter of master Xue. With master Xue's character, even if he dug three feet, he would dig out the people behind the scenes.

Therefore, from the moment the Xue family saw Shang Suihe, he began to worry that he would be dug out by the police.

Of course, he wants him to do it flawlessly, and the police can't find evidence.

Unfortunately, the police still found the evidence.

So, at the moment, he became a prisoner.

He calmly accepted the result, but he didn't regret it.

Not only regretted buying the murderous Shang Suihe, but also regretted not hiding the truth and not telling master Xue about Xue Ningyu's true identity.

Everyone's destiny is his own choice.

When he stood at the fork of the road, he could have chosen a beautiful and glorious road, but because he was too greedy and wanted too much, he chose the wrong road.

Walking, you come to a dead end

He didn't stop. His face passed by Shang Suihe as usual.

Shang Suihe stopped and watched him being escorted into the inquiry room by the police. Then he took another step and left the police station.

When she went outside the door, she looked up at the blue sky and white clouds. She breathed a sigh of relief, lifted the corners of her lips and smiled.

It's over.

It's all over.

From today on, she is Xue Suihe, the granddaughter of Xue Zhongting and the future wife of Chu Dingbang. In the future, she will have a new, beautiful and happy life.


Try to be like the fifth master's wife, give birth to five in three births!

At that time, four surnames are Chu and one surname is Xue. Her grandfather may live happily to be 100 years old!


On the other side, Gu Jun left the hospital and went to the company.

After dealing with the company's backlog, he went around the mall and bought some small things.

This is already his habit. From time to time, he goes to the commercial street for a walk. When he sees delicious and fun food, he buys it for his wife and children. It's not necessarily expensive. It's mainly a little surprise.

No matter expensive or worthless little things, as long as they can coax his wife and children to be happy, they are good things!

This time, he found a group of small jewelry boxes made of crystal and gold.

There are eight jewelry boxes in total. Each one is only palm size. The crystal box made of crystal and gold is glittering and has a particularly good texture. There is a bed, a dresser, a lamp and a bathtub. On each ornament, there is a cute kitten, lying or standing or coquettish. It is lifelike and very cute.

Although his son is a boy, he is young and likes these gadgets. His wife and children must like them when they see him!

With gifts, he was in a good mood to rush back to carving time.

Passing by the shop in front, he saw the mess at the door. He told Gu Cheng to stop and said to Gu Chi, "Xiao Chi, go and see what's wrong.", the fastest update of the webnovel!