You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6615

"The parents of ordinary families have raised their children, and the children do have the obligation to support their parents, but we are not ordinary mothers and daughters. You maliciously lost my bag, so I'm not sure whether I have the obligation to support you," Shang Suihe looked at her calmly and said: "If you want me to support you, after you get out of prison, you can sue me in the court. If the court orders me to support you, I will support you. The court orders me to give you as much money as I need to give you every year. I promise you a lot of money. However, you should think clearly before you sue me..."

Shang Suihe looked deeply into her eyes: "Do you really have the face to sue me? More than 20 years ago, you switched your children in order to make your daughter live a good life. Twenty years later, the truth came to light. You were arrested and jailed. After you got out of prison, you took your adopted daughter to court and asked her to support you... If such news spread, guess what others will say about you? Do you still have the face to see people?"

Zhang Qiuping was stunned.

She looked at Shang Suihe and shook her head in disbelief: "suisui, why are you so cruel? You are so cruel!"

Shang Suihe said, "it's far worse than you!"

Zhang Qiuping stared at her and couldn't speak.


Everything was different from what she thought.

What she thought before was all too wishful thinking.

She thought she was devoted to her own daughter and her adopted daughter, but in the end, she lost both her own daughter and her adopted daughter.

Not one.

She burst into tears and laughed, covering her face with her hands, crying and laughing.


It's all wrong.

She shouldn't have switched her two children.

If it's not your own thing, you shouldn't expect it.

Live your life honestly and raise your own daughter steadily. At least when she is old, her own daughter has to support her. If her own daughter doesn't support her, she can sue her.

But now?

Her own daughter said that she had never raised her, so her own daughter refused to support her.

Her adopted daughter said that at the beginning, she maliciously changed her two children, which separated her flesh and blood. Therefore, her adopted daughter refused to support her.

In her life, she dedicated everything she had to the two children. When she got old, she ended up in prison and no one to support her.

Probably no one in the world is worse than her

Shang Suihe sighed softly, "I've learned from a lawyer that your sentence will not be too long. You can reform yourself. When you go out, be a good man and start over... You've been in prison, which is equivalent to paying off your debt. After you get out of prison, I still hope you can be happy, but... I won't see you again. I'll be in a bad mood when I see you. I hope I can have a new life, so... We'll be happy in the future There's probably no chance to meet again... I'm gone. Take care. "

She bent slightly at Zhang Qiuping, turned and walked towards the door.

This time, Zhang Qiuping didn't call her again.

She lay on the table and couldn't stop crying.


Her life is over.

I thought my daughter would grow up and be promising. She could live a good life in the future. I didn't know that she had become a mess.

No one can save her

When Shang Suihe walked out of the reception room, he could still hear Zhang Qiuping crying hysterically.

She didn't look back. She walked steadily step by step.

This is the life she chose.

Whether it's right or wrong, she has a clear conscience and won't regret it.

At the corner of the corridor, two male policemen escorted a man past her. The man in handcuffs was Xue Yang!, the fastest update of the webnovel!