You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6614

"You are not my mother," said Shang Suihe calmly. "Your daughter is Xue Ningyu. She is the one you should ask, not me."

"Suisui, don't do this," Zhang Qiuping cried. "Suisui, you can't do this to your mother! Anyway, your mother has raised you for 20 years. Your mother is so kind to you, mom..."

"Enough!" Shang Suihe interrupted her old saying: "Please stop saying such ridiculous things! Why do you always say that you have raised me for 20 years? Why have you raised me for 20 years? Don't you count it in your heart? Did I ask you to raise me? You and I were just strangers. If you didn't want your daughter to go to Xue's house to live a good life, we had only a few days of fate. I had my grandfather to raise me without you!"

"But anyway, I have raised you for 20 years!" Zhang Qiuping cried with tears on her face: "Sui Sui, we have been together day and night for 20 years. Don't you have any feelings for me?"

"Yes," Shang Suihe nodded, "you raised me for 20 years. I really have feelings for you, but as long as I think that you took me away maliciously, and the gratitude and resentment offset each other, I don't owe you anything."

"No, it's not like this, it's not like this spike..." Zhang Qiuping shook her head in fear: "we've been mother and daughter for 20 years. I have the grace to raise you!"

"You know what? Your idea is ridiculous," said Shang Suihe, laughing and shaking his head: "If everyone is like you, his family is poor and others are rich, in order to make his children live a good life, he will exchange his children with the children of rich people. After the truth is revealed, the children of rich people have to provide for their adoptive mother, and they should be grateful for her upbringing. Don't all those who want to change their children's origin have to try their best to bring their children back Exchange children with children from rich families? "

"It's not like this... It's not like this..." Zhang Qiuping shook her head desperately: "I didn't mean to... It was the doctors and nurses who gave you to me, not me who brought you..."

"Forget it, I don't want to say this," Shang Suihe sighed, looked at her seriously and said: "I came to see you today just to tell you clearly not to kidnap me morally with the grace of upbringing! I am very sad to see you arrested in prison, because I have feelings for you and you are not doing well. However, this is the end you deserve. Even if I am very sad, I will not admit that you are my mother, because if I admit it, it will be good for my grandfather and me My dead parents, it's not fair! So I'd rather suffer myself, and I want to see you punished by the law. "

"No... no... how could this happen?" Zhang Qiuping shook her head in collapse. "It shouldn't be like this... I've raised you for 20 years. How can you watch me go to jail? We're mother and daughter!"

"I have made it clear to you that you have to immerse yourself in your own world and stick to your own truth. I can't help it," Shang Suihe stood up. "This is the last time I see you. I won't see you in the future. In the second half of my life, whether you die or live, whether you die or live, whether you are good or bad, has nothing to do with me."

"No, you can't do this to me!" Zhang Qiuping burst into tears and cried at the top of her voice, "I'm your mother. I raised you and have nurturing grace for you. When I get old, you have to support me!", the fastest update of the webnovel!