You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6608

Money is really a good thing.

When she gives birth to her child, she will help Gu Wuye make money together and make a lot of money!

Harbin is far from the capital. It was not early when they started. When they arrived in Harbin, it was already in the afternoon.

The real estate is all over the country. No, it is Gu Wuye all over the world. There is also a real estate in Harbin. The family didn't live in a hotel, but lived in Gu's vacation manor.

The children got off the plane and ran around the manor.

Although this trip was requested by Xiao Xie, Qin Jun's nights were happier than him.

Especially Qin Junye, he was crazy.

He is the best among the children. His favorite thing is tourism. His previous dream was to be a star when he grew up. After traveling with his family for several times, his dream became to travel all over the world when he grew up and made money when he became a star!

After getting off the plane, he ran around the yard like a happy pony. The scenery in the yard is naturally different from the carving time. Although it is not as exquisite as the carving time, it has a unique charm because of its novelty.

When he saw the fun, he called his brother to lead his brother. He had a lot of fun.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie ran behind them with their short legs upside down.

Xiaoshumiao has the demeanor of her eldest brother. Knowing that her younger brothers are small and can't keep up with their speed, she keeps close company with them and takes care of them carefully to prevent them from falling.

Ye Xing flew all the way to Peking University with her stomach. When she got off the plane, she was very tired. There were xiaoshumiao and bodyguards looking after the children. She didn't have to bother. She went to the bedroom with Gu Jun. after a simple wash, she fell asleep.

When she woke up, it was already dark.

Gu Junzhu accompanied her around the yard and had dinner.

Gu Wuye temporarily recruited several chefs from hacheng and cooked a table of hacheng's special dishes. The honey eaten by several children was sweet and praised again and again.

While eating, Qin Jun said, "master, mother, traveling wife and wife are great! My favorite thing now is traveling! When I grow up and make money, I will take master, mother and brothers to travel eight times a year and travel all over the world!"

Gu Jun glanced at him: "are you implying me that you have taken you out too few times?"

"Cough..." Qin Jun choked at night.

"..." Ye Xingbei smiled and elbowed him, "what are you teasing the child for?"

Qin Jun coughed at night and his face turned red. Before he coughed, he couldn't wait to say, "master, cough... I don't mean that. I mean, it's fun to travel. Thank you for taking us out..."

"Don't listen to your master," Ye Xingbei told Qin Jun, "eat more and go out to play when you're full."

"Thank you, madam!" Qin Junye flattered: "madam is the best!"

Gu Jun glared at him: "isn't master good?"

Qin Junye: "

It's so difficult for me.

"Ignore your master," Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "strict father and loving mother. Other people's fathers are all your master. You'll know when you see more."

Qin Junye nodded wildly and refused to speak.

It must be written in the Yellow calendar today. He is not suitable for talking.

He'd better eat more and talk less!

"Mom," Xiaojiang asked Ye Xingbei curiously, "what does it mean to be a strict father and kind mother?"

Ye Xingbei: "


For twins, Gu Wuye is definitely not a strict father!

So how does she answer this question? Her second son is really an expert!, the fastest update of the webnovel!