You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6607

"Laugh!" Xiaoxie laughed as Gu Junzhu looked.

Gu Junzhu: "

He couldn't stop laughing and patted his little ass: "villain!"

"Dad!" Xiaojiang hugged his legs, raised his head and looked at him eagerly.

"What happened to ER Bao?" Gu Jun squatted down and looked at him.

Xiaojiang kissed him and looked at him wrongfully.

Gu Junzhu: "

What's the matter?

Ye Xingbei looked funny. "Mr. Gu, you want rain and dew!"

Gu Jun was stunned one by one. He soon understood. He quickly took Xiaojiang into his arms and kissed several people in a row.

Xiaojiang was happy, put his arms around his neck and called his father sweetly and softly.

Gu Wuye's heart was called by his baby son. He took a sweetheart with one hand. Kiss this and rub that. The kiss is not enough.

Holding his baby son in his arms, he chatted with Ye Xingbei: "today our family has extra income."

"Hmm?" Ye Xingbei asked, "what extra income?"

Gu Junzhu told Chu Dingbang once, "I asked Xiaoqi and Xiaochi to help me a little. Those things sent by the Xue family are worth at least millions. I found that this is also a profitable business, which can not only benefit people, but also benefit."

Ye Xingbei couldn't help laughing, "Gu Wuye, I found that since the birth of Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, you no longer regard money as dirt and become utilitarian. Are you afraid of having no money to raise your son because of more sons and high pressure?"

"How could it be?" Gu Junzhu said with awe inspiring righteousness: "I've always been utilitarian and never changed, okay?"

Ye Xingbei: "

Is this a proud thing?

What's the trouble with such righteous words!

"Have you forgotten my wisdom?" Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "you don't make money, son of a bitch! How can you keep bodyguards without money? Only very rich can you keep more and better bodyguards!"

They can take care of their family, but they can't lack good bodyguards.

The bodyguard is to ensure the safety of his wife and children. If his wife and children rub a layer of oil skin, he will be distressed to death, not to mention being kidnapped and secretly murdered.

If that happens, he'll go crazy!

Therefore, he should make more money, make a lot of money, increase investment in the training camp, and strive to cultivate more, better and more loyal bodyguards.

When his sons grow up, at least one person will have more than a dozen bodyguards to protect them 24 hours a day to ensure their safety.

Look at the delicate, powdered and jade cut, beautiful baby sons like a snow ball. Ye Xingbei deeply agrees with Gu Wuye's words.

Food and drink can be worse, but the bodyguards must be more and good to help her take good care of her baby sons.

It's all her sharp heart. If there's any accident, it's her heart.

Two days later, the matter of going to Harbin was settled. Thank you, children. When you were only two years old, you won a trip for yourself.

Two days later, Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei set out with a few children, more than a dozen bodyguards and family doctors.

At the moment of boarding the plane, looking at the vast team, ye Xingbei sincerely sighed: what Gu Wuye said is right. We must work hard to make money, or we can't afford it!

It's better to be at home. When they go out, everything is burning money. Moreover, only if they make more money can they pay their people higher treatment., the fastest update of the webnovel!