You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6609

Ye Xingbei is poor when asked by Xiaojiang.

Little tree miao'er helped to explain: "strict father and loving mother mean that mother is more gentle and loving than father."

Xiaojiang blinked and understood.

Strict father and kind mother means that mother is softer than father.


Mother is gentler than father, and father is more handsome than mother.

Just a drop of soy sauce!

The little guy has no doubt and continues to eat.

Ye Xingbei looked at xiaoshumiao with admiration and felt that his eldest son would really confuse the concept.

The strict father and kind mother clearly didn't mean what her eldest son said, but there was nothing wrong with her eldest son's explanation.


He is worthy of being the son of Gu Wuye. He has as many minds as Gu Wuye!

After a full meal, the family went back to their rooms to rest.

After a night's sleep, the next day, the family decided to go to the famous scenic spots nearby first.

As for the ice show, because there are many ice lanterns, it's good to go at night.

Ha City was too cold. Gu Junzhu was afraid that ye Xingbei would catch a cold. He dressed her very thick. Ye Xingbei was stupid and put on thick clothes. He didn't want to move.

Gu Junzhu simply asked the bodyguards to take the children to play. He took Ye Xing North to the local food street, found the most famous one, sat by the window near the street, ate and enjoyed the scenery outside the window, which was also interesting.

After eating, he accompanied Ye Xingbei outside and went back to bieyuan for a nap.

After waking up, I walked around again. At 5 p.m., the family had dinner. After dinner, the family set off for the ice exhibition.

The ice exhibition in hacheng can be called domineering. The site is large and can't see the edge at a glance. A variety of ice sculptures stand, including the mighty dragon flying for nine days, a variety of naive animals, simulated ancient buildings and modern luxury cars.

Several children entered the field like fish into the ocean, screaming and running towards the favorite ice sculpture.

Thank you for reaching out and touching the giant ice cream sculpture around me. I'm going to lick it with my little tongue.

Ye Xingbei was startled and hurriedly pulled him into his arms: "baby, this can't be eaten."

Thank you for looking up at her. I want to eat

Ye Xingbei: "... This is ice, not ice cream. It's not delicious... No, it can't be eaten!"

Small thank you for sucking saliva: "big!"

Ye Xingbei: "you can't eat big."

Small thank you very wronged, eager: "want to eat."

Ye Xingbei: "

Gu Junzhu couldn't smile. "Son, this is dirty. You'll have a stomachache after eating. You need an injection. After we go back from the ice show, dad will buy you something to eat."

Thanks a lot. After thinking about it, I reluctantly nodded my head: "OK..."

Ye Xingbei: "

Her son wanted to come here to see the ice sculptures. He didn't think they were edible, did he?

She thought it was possible.

Little thank you for looking at a lot of ice sculptures and swallowing: "ice, sugar!"

Ye Xingbei: "... Son, although they look like rock sugar, they are really not rock sugar. They are just ice. Rock sugar is sweet. They are not sweet at all, just like... Like the ice in red wine, only ice, not sweet!"

Thank you for looking up at her. Her eyes flickered. Her big black eyes were full of doubt.

Ye Xingbei felt that his son was saying in his heart: mom must have lied to me!, the fastest update of the webnovel!