You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6604

"That's no problem," master Xue nodded. "Although I'm old-fashioned, I'm not unreasonable. If you have only one son in the future, of course, you have to be surnamed Xue. If you really have only one son with suisui in the future, it's my life. I have no special relationship with others. I accept my life!"

It was because of his ideological tradition that he recognized what Chu Dingbang said.

If he was an elder of the Chu family, if Chu Dingbang had only one son in the future, he would not let Chu Dingbang's son follow his mother's surname.

In fact, a top rich family like the Chu family can give way and agree that he will be grateful if he has two sons in the future, one of whom takes his mother's surname.

According to the family background of the Chu family, if the Chu family bites him to death and refuses to let his son follow his mother's surname, he has nothing to do.

He hasn't raised Shang Suihe for a day. Can he break up Shang Suihe just to let Shang Suihe give him an heir?

Shang Suihe won't listen to him.

If Shang Suihe's boyfriend is an ordinary person, he may be able to buy it with money and power, or think of other ways, but Shang Suihe's boyfriend is the young master of the Chu family. He really put together money and power. Their Xue family was defeated. What can he do with Chu Dingbang?

The answer given by Chu Dingbang is the best result.

If Chu Dingbang and Shang Suihe have only one son in the future, it is doomed that their Xue family will die of incense. It is difficult to disobey their destiny. Although they have regrets, they can only accept their fate.

Chu Dingbang thought that although master Xue had a traditional thought, he was not a stubborn old man. He looked quite reasonable. They talked again and had a good impression of each other.

After chatting for half an hour, master Xue got up and said goodbye: "while it's still early, I have to take suisui to change the name on the Hukou book. After changing the name, I'll send suisui to take good care of you."

Chu Dingbang owes himself a little, "Grandpa Xue, walk slowly. When I leave the hospital, I'll drink tea and fish with you."

Master Xue said happily, "OK, Grandpa, wait!"

He was extremely satisfied with his future grandson-in-law.

After all, his granddaughter has the ability to find such an excellent boyfriend even if she grows up in an ordinary family.

Unlike Xue Ningyu and the emperor in his Dragon Robe, surrounded by flattering villains, he didn't like anyone.

He left the hospital in a good mood and took Shang Suihe to change his surname.

He originally wanted to give Shang Suihe a completely different name, but Shang Suihe disagreed, saying that she was used to her name and didn't want to change it. She wanted to change her surname and keep her original name.

The baby granddaughter just got back depends on everything he says. Besides, the most important thing is the surname. As long as the surname is changed to Xue and becomes a member of his Xue family, everything else is not a problem.

So the name on Shang Suihe's Hukou book was changed from Shang Suihe to Xue Suihe.

After changing his name, he took Shang Suihe to the mall and bought a set of jewelry and some children's supplies.

After shopping, he took Shang Suihe to Gu's group, met Gu Junzhu, expressed his gratitude, and gave the gift to Gu Junzhu.

And Shang Suihe went to see Gu Chi.

She bought Gu Chi a tie clip and a cuff link of the same type as the tie clip. They are all precious stones and very expensive.

Of course, she can't afford it. Her grandfather paid for it.

For the first time in her life, she spent so much money that she never thought it would be spent not on herself or her boyfriend, but on a man who was almost a stranger.

Who made her lose her breath and say something she shouldn't say?

Make an apology if you say something wrong.

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