You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6603

She thought a lot in a moment, and soon came back to her senses. Her face couldn't help getting hot - she hasn't left the eight characters between Chu Dingbang and her. She thinks about these now. She typically thinks too much!

But... Chu Dingbang almost died to save her. No matter what Chu Dingbang treats her in the future, she won't change her mind anyway.

In this life, she will depend on Chu Dingbang. As long as Chu Dingbang wants her, she will accompany Chu Dingbang, whether it's health or disease, wealth or poverty, and never give up!

The next day, master Xue took Shang Suihe to the cemetery to worship his son and daughter-in-law.

Standing in front of the tombstone of his son's daughter-in-law, he was very sad and felt sorry for his son and daughter-in-law.

He had only one son, and his son left him such a little blood, but he made a mistake and let a fake worship his son and daughter-in-law for so many years.

As long as he thought of this, he hated all his viscera.

Xue Yang, Zhang Qiuping, Xue Ningyu, they all deserve to die.

In this life, as long as he has one breath, they don't want to live a good life!

After Shang Suihe worshipped his parents, he took Shang Suihe to the hospital and met Chu Dingbang.

Chu Dingbang already knows that his girlfriend has become the eldest miss of the Xue family.

Chu Dingbang was very polite when he saw master Xue. Master Xue was more polite than him.

With his own calculation in mind, he thought wholeheartedly that he had to be better to his future grandson-in-law. The summary is that they will have two boys in the future, one of whom is surnamed Xue.

He sat by the hospital bed, smiling and loving, booing cold and asking warm questions for a long time before he got to the point: "Dingbang, now you know the situation of our Xue family. Our Xue family is thin, and only suisui is left. I originally intended to make suisui redundant, but Dingbang's family certainly does not allow you to become redundant. Therefore, I want to discuss with you. If you and suisui can have two sons in the future, can the youngest son be surnamed Xue and let him Inherit our family property? "

Chu Dingbang: "

He survived and is still injured. He can't even move in bed. Is it appropriate to tell him this now?

But what master Xue said was not a problem for the Chu family.

The Xue family withered, only Shang Suihe was the only one, but the Chu family prospered, not his cousins. There are three brothers in their house alone.

If the three brothers will have three more in the future, it will be nine. One of them has a mother's surname, which has no problem for the Chu family.

Moreover, the elders of the Chu family are absolutely happy to marry a matching girl and let one of their sons inherit the property of their mother's family, complement and support each other with other brothers.

But the premise is that you have to have at least two boys.

If he and Shang Suihe have only one son in the future, they must be surnamed Chu, otherwise their elders can't pass the pass.

Since master Xue made his words so clear, he also frankly said: "Grandpa Xue, our family Ding Xingwang, if I and suisui can have two sons in the future, the youngest son can be surnamed Xue, but if we have only one son in the future, we can only be surnamed Chu.", the fastest update of the webnovel!