You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6605

Of course, even if she didn't say anything wrong and Gu Chi helped her, she should also give Gu Chi a gift to thank him.

But the value may not be so high. After all, Gu Wuye has sent one. This time her grandfather is bleeding. Let alone spend it. She has never seen so much money in her life.

After giving the gift to Gu Chi, she had a thought.

At that time, she said something wrong on impulse, and later regretted it.

With what Zhang Qiuping did, if the truth is not exposed, the most wronged is her grandfather.

The old man regarded his only granddaughter as his life, but he kept a fake for 20 years.

Now, the old man is still in good health, and their grandparents and grandchildren still have time to get along.

If you wait for the old man to die, and then know the truth, you will spit blood angrily and die.

In a word, she was very sorry that she had questioned Gu Chi, so when buying gifts, she chose the best in the mall as her remedy.

After she gave the gifts, she and Mr. Xue met, and they left Gu's group.

Soon after they left, Gu Junzhu also left the company and returned to the carving time.

Xiao Jiang and Xiao Xie, who ran in the yard, saw Gu Jun coming back one by one and rushed over: "Dad!"

They ran to Gu Junzhu, one holding a thigh, took Gu Wuye as a big tree and climbed up and down.

"Hey! Big baby, do you miss your father?" Gu Wuye picked up his two baby sons and kissed each one, smiling like warm sun.

"Think -"

"I really want to!"

The two little guys spoke in unison.

"Good boy!" Gu Wuye hugged his baby son and wanted to bite.

Every time he saw Ye Xingbei and the children, he would be sincerely grateful to them for letting him experience such strong feelings.

Strong love.

Strong joy.

Strong happiness.

Before meeting Ye Xingbei, he never knew that a person's emotion could be so mellow and warm.

He took his two precious sons and walked to the north of Ye Xing: "how are you today? Are you uncomfortable?"

Ye Xingbei has been pregnant for eight months and will be born in more than one month. His stomach is getting bigger and bigger. But the doctor also said that ye Xingbei is very lucky. The fetal position is backward. Although it is a twin, it looks almost as big as the belly of a single child. After hearing this, he was very happy.

Fortunately, the fetal position is behind, and the twins are as big as others' single fetus. If the belly is bigger, he will doubt that the child will burst Ye Xingbei's belly.

It's a hard work.

It's terrible to think about it!

"Today is good, no discomfort." Ye Xingbei sat in the rocking chair under the tree and didn't want to get up lazily.

Eight months pregnant, her stomach was as big as the air. She became more and more bulky. She didn't like activities more and more.

If the doctor hadn't said that she should be more active, otherwise it would be difficult for her to live, she would like to sit and lie down 24 hours a day and don't move.

Gu Junzhu put his sons on the ground and came up to the north of Ye Xing to kiss her; "Is there anything you want to eat today?"

"Yes," laughed Ye Xingbei, "I want to eat fish today. I've told mint to make fish for us in the evening."

"Eat, fish!" thanks for patting Ye Xingbei's stomach. "No, mom, belly, fish!"

"Yes," said Xiaojiang, "it's a fish swimming in the water!"

Ye Xingbei smiled and touched Xiaoxie's face: "of course, it's not the fish in mom's belly. Mom can't bear to eat the fish in mom's belly.", the fastest update of the webnovel!