You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6600

She read incoherently, "I'm the best to her. She can't be sorry for me. Sui Sui, you come out. You help mom beg for mercy. Mom won't go to jail, no!"

"What a wonderful argument!" while another policeman pressed Zhang Qiuping, the policewoman impolitely handcuffed Zhang Qiuping's wrists: "If you didn't take them away, most of them lived in such villas since childhood. They were served by more than a dozen or even dozens of people every day. What is eating a few mouthfuls of meat without doing housework? What do people want to eat, what do they want to eat, and what clothes to wear? They are all big brands of the season! You usurped people's life, and you have a kind face. Your three views The problem is too big! "

In fact, what the policewoman wants to say is much worse than this, but she is a policeman. She wants to be civilized and can only choose what she can say.

Zhang Qiuping knows that what the policewoman said is reasonable. She just doesn't want to admit it.

She always thought that she had raised Shang Suihe for 20 years. Even if Shang Suihe knew that she was deliberately changing her two children, and Shang Suihe had feelings for her, he would recognize her as a mother and be filial to her.

However, the people in this world are more ruthless than she thought.

She raised her daughter for 20 years. She turned her face when she said she didn't recognize her. She broke her throat when she said she didn't recognize her. Shang Suihe didn't come out of the villa to see her.

She was driven into the police car by the police in despair, and her throat was crying and almost coughing and bleeding.

Her life is so sad.

She loved her own daughter and her adopted daughter, but in the end, neither of the two daughters understood her pains, and no one listened to her and respected her.

How did she do that?

What is she doing alive?

You might as well die

Seeing that Zhang Qiuping was escorted away by the police, Xue Yang's cold sweat came out.

When he hired a murderer to kill Shang Suihe, he felt his plan was flawless.

Shang Suihe is a common people without background. Zhang Qiuping is cowardly like a mouse. After his plan succeeds, Shang Suihe will die quietly. No one will know that he did it. He doesn't have to pay any price.

But now, seeing that Zhang Qiuping was caught by the police, he was scared and wet his back in a cold sweat.

He was afraid that he would follow in Zhang Qiuping's footsteps.

He doesn't want to go to jail.

He is still so young, with a good background and a successful career. He is a successful person admired by everyone.

He didn't want to be caught by the police and become a prisoner.


He was wrong from the beginning.

He shouldn't hide Xue Ningyu's life experience, let alone hire someone to kill Shang Suihe in order to cover up the truth.

It's a mistake, a mistake.

His face was sallow and he was as frightened as a lost dog. He turned around and wanted to leave.

Xue Ningyu rushed over and hugged his waist behind him. "Uncle, take me with you. Please, uncle, I have only you, I have only you..."

Xue Yang was so angry that he pushed her to the ground: "go away! It's you! It's you bitch who ruined me! If you weren't a fake, how could I be angry by my uncle and driven out of the Xue family! You sweeping star ruined everything of me!"

Xue Ningyu was shocked and shook her head again and again. "Uncle, you can't do this to me... You loved me most before. How can you become so fast?"

"Don't call me uncle!" Xue Yang said fiercely, "you are a fake. There is no relationship between us. You are not qualified to call me uncle!", the fastest update of the webnovel!