You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6601

He left a cruel word and walked away with great strides.

Xue Ningyu struggled to get up from the ground and called "Uncle" after him. He didn't look back.

Xue Ningyu fell to the ground crying, breaking her heart.

What should I do?

What will she do in the future?

She was still a student with no job and no income. She was thrown out of the Xue family. The Xue family gave her nothing but clothes and a few pieces of jewelry.

Now, this dress and a few pieces of jewelry are all her property.

How will she live in the future?

Who pays her tuition?

Can she go on to school?

If she can't go on to school, will she go to work?

She hasn't graduated from college. She sings, dances and paints at half the standard. In addition, she has no skills and talents that can be taken. If she looks for a job, what job can she find?

Do you work hard for a month, tired and tired, depending on the face of your superiors, often scolded, but you can only get thousands of yuan a month?

Thousands of dollars, what is enough to do?

I can't even afford a dress on her!

Is she going to live such a life in the future?



That shouldn't be her life.

She is the only eldest lady of the Xue family. She was born high above everything. She is the envy of everyone!

She struggled to get up from the ground, stumbled to the iron door and slapped the door: "Grandpa, you come out, I'm Yuyu, your favorite Yuyu! Grandpa, you come out to see me. I don't want to leave you. Grandpa, you're my only relative. Please, let me go back. I'll listen to you and be filial to you. I'll listen to what you say, Grandpa..."

She screamed bitterly and bitterly, but there was no movement in the villa.

She screamed to the point of hoarseness, and slumped down beside the iron gate. Her voice was so hoarse that she could hardly cry.


Why should fate be so cruel to her?

Either, don't give her anything, or don't take it if you give it to her.

She knew nothing and did nothing. She was innocent, but fate was so cruel to her that she took everything she had in an instant.

She hates it. She wants the world to explode at this moment and let everyone die with her

She screamed for a long time outside the gate, but the yard of Xue's family was too big. Old Xue, who chatted with Shang Suihe in the living room, didn't hear anything.

He was completely immersed in the joy of meeting his own granddaughter.

In the past, he also liked Xue Ningyu very much.

Because he thinks Xue Ningyu is the only blood of his son, even if Xue Ningyu is ignorant, stubborn, poor academic performance and no talent, he still loves Xue Ningyu most.

But now, I know that Shang Suihe is his own granddaughter, and his own granddaughter not only has good academic performance, but also has a wide range of knowledge, and even won the first prize in many national competitions.

The more he knew, the more he felt that this should be the child of his son and daughter-in-law.

His son and daughter-in-law are all excellent people. Previously, he thought that Xue Ningyu was spoiled by him. Xue Ningyu was ignorant and had poor grades.

Now, he found the reason.

Xue Ningyu is obstinate and ignorant. She is with her biological parents, and he is proud of his son and daughter-in-law's only daughter., the fastest update of the webnovel!