You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6599

After 20 years, the doctors and nurses still had a good impression of Zhang Qiuping. They said that Zhang Qiuping looked honest, kind and timid.

No one could have imagined that such a gentle, kind and timid woman had madly switched her two children.

The doctors and nurses blamed themselves and felt sorry for the Xue children. They said that if they were required to testify in court against Zhang Qiuping in the future, they would be duty bound to appear in court.

"No, no, I really can't help but hold the wrong..." Zhang Qiuping cried, "as a mother, how can I be willing to give my children to others? I really hold the wrong..."

"Keep these words and tell the judge in court!" the policeman in charge waved his hand and said, "take them away!"

The two policemen immediately came forward, grabbed Zhang Qiuping's arm and wanted to handcuff Zhang Qiuping.

Seeing the bright handcuffs, Zhang Qiuping's courage was about to break.

She suddenly pushed away the police around her, ran to Xue Ningyu, grabbed Xue Ningyu's arm and shook it hard, "Yuyu, go help mom and tell them! You save mom, mom really didn't mean to change the package. She accidentally held the wrong one. She accidentally held the wrong one!"

"Go away!" Xue Ningyu pushed her away. "You're not my mother. I don't know you! Go away!"

Zhang Qiuping, whose legs were soft because of fear, was pushed to the ground by her.

Zhang Qiuping sat on the ground, crying.

How did she end up like this?

In those years, in order to make her own daughter live a good life, she gave her own daughter to the Xue family.

She felt ashamed of Shang Suihe. After she brought him home, she worked hard to raise Shang Suihe, ate bran and swallowed vegetables, and gave the best to Shang Suihe. She was like an old yellow cow. She worked hard, did more, ate less, and lived a hard life every day. She didn't think of a blessing for a day.

She worked hard all her life. Her adopted daughter hated her. Her biological daughter didn't recognize her. She suffered all her life and suffered all her life. In the end, she was empty.

If she knew today, why should she change her two children?

She should live by her own daughter. Even if she is poor all her life, at least the police won't catch her. She won't have to work so hard to raise children all her life. In the end, she didn't get any children.

Two policemen came up and picked her up, trying to handcuff her.

She pushed open the two policemen like crazy, ran to the door of Xue's house, beat the carved iron door desperately, and shouted at the villa at the top of her voice: "Suisui, you come out, you come out to save your mother! Suisui, you are my mother's sweetheart. My mother has worked hard all her life and gave you the best. My mother is sorry. No one is sorry for you. You can't ignore my mother, suisui!"

"You are sick?" the only policewoman in the police was intolerable. "She was brought back to your poor family by a good daughter who had been eating for twenty years. You have the face to say you are not sorry, how can you make complaints about it?"

"I love her. I love her the most!" Zhang Qiuping said madly "I don't want to eat a mouthful of meat myself. I save it all for her. I've been reluctant to buy a new dress for several years. As long as my family has money, I'll buy her new clothes. I give her the best. I wish she could eat my meat and drink my blood. My family is so poor, and I'm not willing to let her do a little work...", the fastest update of the webnovel!