You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6593

Just now, she was ignorant and had not accepted the fact.

Now, watching a group of people move her things down the stairs, she suddenly had a sense of reality.

She's going to be kicked out.

She will not be the eldest lady of the Xue family in the future.

She will be driven out of the Xue family and live in poverty.

She will be laughed to death by the people she despised before!

She rushed frantically to stop the person carrying her things, "you put my things down, put them down!"

Master Xue ordered, "come and drive out Xue Yang and Xue Ningyu!"

"No, Grandpa, no!" Xue Ningyu wailed.

At this moment, she felt so helpless.

She didn't know anything. She didn't have any psychological preparation. She suddenly fell from heaven into hell. How did she accept it?

She kept crying and struggling, but she was a girl with no strength to bind a chicken. She couldn't resist the strength of a bodyguard with a tiger back. She was mercilessly escorted out of the door of the Xue family.

Seeing Xue Ningyu thrown out of the door of the Xue family, Zhang Qiuping stumbled over.

She's been here a long time.

She hid by the side of the road and looked at the door of the Xue family without blinking for fear that her biological daughter would be driven out.

What's terrible comes from what's terrible. What she's most afraid of happened.

Seeing that Xue Ningyu was pushed to the ground by two bodyguards, she was distressed. She rushed over and grabbed Xue Ningyu's arm: "Yuyu, how are you? Are you okay? Why are these people so bad? How can they push you, such a delicate little girl?"

Xue Ningyu cried and shook off her hand: "who are you?"

"I'm your mother, Yuyu!" Zhang Qiuping said excitedly, "my name is Zhang Qiuping. I'm your biological mother!"

It's probably the only thing that makes her happy at present.

"Biological mother? Biological mother?!" Xue Ningyu's eyes widened to the maximum. After a moment, she waved her arms vigorously: "no! No! I'm the child of the Xue family. My father is the young master of the Xue family. My mother is the young grandmother of the Xue family. My grandfather is Xue Zhongting. I don't know you. Go away! Go away!"

Zhang Qiuping was stunned and tried to grab Xue Ningyu's arm: "I'm really your biological mother, Yuyu. Look, how much we look like! Others can see that we are mother and daughter!"

"No! No, I don't know you. Go away! Go away!" Xue Ningyu pushed Zhang Qiuping to the ground.

Zhang Qiuping is old and ugly. She wears clothes worse than her maid. Her face is sallow and wrinkled. She is the kind of aunt and yellow faced woman she once despised most.

But now, Zhang Qiuping even said she was her biological mother.

How could she have such a biological mother?

She would rather jump out of a crack in a stone than have such a biological mother!

Zhang Qiuping was pushed to the ground. She was stunned.

The scene of mother daughter recognition was different from what she thought.

She thought that after Xue Ningyu knew that she was her biological mother, their mother and daughter would cry excitedly. Xue Ningyu would call her mother with emotion. Even, their mother and daughter could sleep in the same bed at night and talk endlessly.

She never thought that Xue Ningyu would not recognize her.

How can Xue Ningyu not recognize her?

What's the point of her living in the future?

Shang Suihe doesn't recognize her anymore. If Xue Ningyu doesn't recognize her, what will she do for the rest of her life?, the fastest update of the webnovel!