You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6592

All he cares about is his dead son. As for his nephew and granddaughter, he is nothing compared with his dead son.

How could there be such a person in the world?

Aren't nephews and granddaughters raised by themselves more valuable than sons who have been dead for 20 years?

Why are he and Xue Ningyu both living people, but they can't compete for a dead person?

He is unwilling.

Too unwilling.

"Uncle!" he knelt down, looked up at master Xue with tears in his eyes, "although I am only your nephew, my parents have not wanted me since I was a child. I was raised by you. In my mind, you are my father and I am your son! Uncle, I am willing to inherit your name and be your son!"

"What are you thinking?" old Xue sneered, "You know Xue Ningyu's life experience, but you don't tell me. What's your calculation? Do you think I don't know? Xue Yang, I've eaten more salt than you've eaten. What's your idea? I've figured it out! You're an ambitious white eyed wolf. I'd better have a dog if I raise you. Get out of here, or I'll let someone beat you out!"

"Uncle!" Xue Yang took a few steps on his knees, looked up at master Xue and said eagerly: "You believe me, uncle, I really don't know anything. My parents didn't want me when I was young. You are my only relative. I'm willing to do anything for you and die for you! Uncle, please don't misunderstand me. If you don't believe me, I'm meaningless to live..."

"Then you die!" master Xue said coldly, "an animal like you who not only doesn't know how to repay his kindness, but bites his benefactor, shouldn't live in this world."

"Uncle, you misunderstood me, you really misunderstood me!" Xue Yang eagerly explained: "Yuyu was really brought back by me, but I was also cheated! I......"

"Shut up, stop talking, I don't want to hear!" master Xue rudely interrupted him: "I don't want to hear the reason. I just look at the result! You say you are wronged, so what? I'd rather kill a hundred wrong than let one go! Even if I guess wrong, I'll raise you and do my utmost to you. Everything of the Xue family has nothing to do with you. If you really miss me, get out of the Xue family immediately and never appear in front of me again!"

He's pretty sure he guessed right.

Human nature is sometimes so evil.

As a result, he could not guess Xue Yang without the worst mind.

Various signs show that Xue Yang is not a good thing. In that case, he can't let Xue Yang stay in Xue's house.

He has to give Shang Suihe a safe environment and can't let the malicious tigers and wolves around Shang Suihe!

Even if he guessed wrong, so what?

Xue Yang was not who he was originally. When Xue Yang's parents divorced and took Xue Yang as a ball, no one would want Xue Yang. Seeing that Xue Yang was poor, he took Xue yang to the Xue family and wanted to cultivate an arm for his son.

His sons are dead. What's the use of Xue Yang?

Xue Yang didn't leave before because he did well and made no mistakes.

Now Xue Yang made a mistake and let him go. He deserves it!

What else does Xue Yang want to say? The housekeeper led a group of people down the stairs. The group carried the furniture and furnishings in Xue Ningyu's room.

Xue Ningyu recognized at a glance that the people were carrying and holding things in her room. She stared at them in disbelief.

A moment later, she screamed and rushed over: "what are you doing? Put your things down! Put them down!", the fastest update of the webnovel!