You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6594

"Yuyu, what's the matter with you? I'm really your biological mother!" she cried anxiously. "If you don't believe it, we can do a paternity test. I'm really your mother!"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Xue Ningyu roared wildly: "you're a bad man, you deliberately come to harm me! The woman inside is your daughter, isn't it? In order to make your daughter live a good life, you deliberately framed me, just to let your daughter replace me and become the eldest lady of the Xue family!"

"No, no!" Zhang Qiuping got up from the ground: "Yuyu, suisui is the eldest lady of the Xue family... After suisui's mother died, no one took care of suisui. The doctor asked me to take care of suisui temporarily. When suisui's family came to pick her up, I thought suisui's family had money. I wanted you to live a good life. I gave you to suisui's family and left suisui with me. I, I am really your mother, Yuyu !”

Xue Ningyu collapsed.

She always hoped that her grandfather had made a mistake.

She hopes her grandpa will rush out of the villa next second and tell her that Yuyu, grandpa made a mistake. You are grandpa's granddaughter. Go home with Grandpa.

But now, Zhang Qiuping shattered all her hopes.

Zhang Qiuping clearly told her that the woman inside was the eldest lady of the Xue family, and she was really a fake, as her grandfather said.

"Why? Why did you do that?" she cried and screamed hysterically, "do you know how cruel you are? I have been the eldest Miss Xue for 20 years. You suddenly told me that I am false. Everything I once had has has been lost in a second. Do you know how cruel it is?"

"I, I don't want to be like this..." Zhang Qiuping muttered, "I thought that if the Xue family took you away and raised you, they would raise feelings. I didn't expect the rich to be so cold-blooded and turn their faces when they said they would turn their faces. They don't want to have any feelings at all."

"What do you think? What do you think?" Xue Ningyu rushed over, grabbed her collar and shook her hard: "you either don't do it. Since you do it, you don't appear in front of me all your life. How can you be so cruel, choose life for me and destroy my life yourself? How can I have you like my mother?... no, you're not my mother, you're not!"

She roared and pushed Zhang Qiuping to the ground again.

Zhang Qiuping's tailbone hurt and her heart hurt as much as it broke.

Everything she did was for Xue Ningyu!

In order to let Xue Ningyu get rid of her own father who beat people when she was drunk and live a good life, she endured the pain of separation of flesh and blood and exchanged Xue Ningyu and Shang Suihe.

She made the greatest sacrifice she could make as a mother. Why didn't Xue Ningyu read her well at all, yelled at her angrily and told her that she shouldn't appear in front of her in her life?

She is her biological mother!

How exciting it is to recognize mother and daughter. How Can Xue Ningyu say that she doesn't want to see her all her life?

"Yuyu, you can't do this, you can't do this..." she cried anxiously: "Yuyu, you are my mother's own daughter, the meat that fell off my mother. Everything my mother does is for you, Yuyu!"

"For me?" Xue Ningyu shouted madly, "if you really want me, you should let the woman inside disappear from the world! Why did you let her appear in front of Grandpa and take everything from me?", the fastest update of the webnovel!