You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6591

"Really?" master Xue looked at him coldly, with sharp eyes: "what's the matter with someone trying to kill Sui?"

Xue Yang's heart stopped beating and asked blankly, "uncle, what do you mean? Why can't I understand? What's going on?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't say..." old Xue looked at him deeply: "The police have filed a case for investigation. I will send someone to follow up. No matter how much I pay, I will urge the police to find out the murderer behind the scenes... Now, you have been dismissed. From now on, you are not a member of Xue's group or Xue's family. You can leave Xue's house with Xue Ningyu!"

"Uncle!" Xue Yang called out to master Xue in shock. His eyes were full of incredible.

"I don't understand why I did this, right?" master Xue said coldly: "It doesn't matter if I don't understand. I tell you! The reason why I deal with you like this is because you are too incompetent! In those years, after your cousin and sister-in-law died, I was busy dealing with their funeral. You brought Xue Ningyu back. I trusted you to do such an important thing, but you brought me a fake. Shouldn't you take the blame and resign?... if you still love me If you have a conscience and a face, I should not dismiss you, but you should hide your face and go away. You will never face me again! "

"I......" Xue Yang was tongue tied and speechless.

It's natural for the boss to dismiss employees if things are not done well. It seems that there is no problem.

However, he is not only an employee of Xue's group, but also a nephew of master Xue!

Over the years, there are only two younger generations around master Xue, he and Xue Ningyu. Master Xue loves and attaches great importance to Xue Ningyu.

But now, master Xue's eyes don't blink to drive him and Xue Ningyu away.

Is he really out of his mind?

"Grandpa, please, don't do this!" Xue Ningyu cried. "Over the years, my uncle and I have been with you to take care of you and honor you. You drove my uncle and I away. Who will take care of you in the future? Grandpa!"

"I don't need to be taken care of!" master Xue's tone was cold and indifferent, but his eyes were almost crazy: "At the moment my son died, my heart also died. I'm still alive because I have another wish. I want to help my son raise his daughter, watch his daughter grow up, and find a man who can be entrusted to take care of her for life. I don't care about anything else!"

What children he raised, what nephews, what companionship, what feelings, for him, shit is not!

He just wants to do one thing, that is, keep his son's only blood, watch her get married and have children, and live a happy life.

As for the rest, what does it have to do with him?

Xue Yang never expected that master Xue would make such a decision. He didn't hesitate at all. He was going to drive him and Xue Ningyu out of the Xue family.

He grew up around master Xue. He thought he knew master Xue enough, but until now, he found that he didn't know Master Xue enough.

On the surface, master Xue is a successful businessman and a respected old man, but in his bones, he is crazy.

He is already a madman, not a normal person.

He had no feelings, no sense of right and wrong, no sense of morality, only his dead son., the fastest update of the webnovel!