You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6584

He clenched his fist and looked at Zhang Qiuping with the same eyes as looking at garbage. Each word was filled with deep hatred: "I'm sorry for my son! How much I love my son, how much I hate you! I want you to pay the most painful price. I'll do whatever hurts you the most! At all costs!"

As for Xue Ningyu, what is it?

He loved Xue Ningyu because he thought Xue Ningyu was his son's only bone and blood.

His favorite person is not his granddaughter, but his son!

Xue Ningyu's blood vessels are filled with his son's blood, which is his treasure. Xue Ningyu's blood vessels do not contain his son's blood, and Xue Ningyu is rubbish!

As for the feelings of 20 years of living together day and night, he has been living with their housekeeper, bodyguard and assistant for decades. Should he love them as much as his granddaughter?

Now he has no love for Xue Ningyu, only hate. He wants to tear her hate in front of Zhang Qiuping!

It's funny what Zhang Qiuping said to him in front of him. He has raised Xue Ningyu for 20 years. Is he willing to raise Xue Ningyu?

He has his own granddaughter. If Zhang Qiuping hadn't replaced his granddaughter, how could he raise a fake?

As long as he thought that he didn't take good care of his son's only flesh and blood, which made his son feel painful underground, he couldn't wait to cut Zhang Qiuping's mother and daughter one by one!

"No... it shouldn't be like this... It shouldn't be like this..." Zhang Qiuping shook her head in panic.

These years, in the dead of night, she always thinks of her own daughter and the life experience of Shang Suihe. Every time she thinks of these, she will have countless ideas.

She had imagined countless possibilities, but in her imagination, there was no immediate possibility.

She never dreamed that there would be such a hot and resolute person in the world. She had been raised for 20 years. She cherished the raised child like a peerless treasure. If she said no, she would not.

Even revenge on her.

How could there be such a terrible person in the world?

"Please, don't do this, don't do this!" she knelt down at the foot of master Xue with tears, cried and begged: "I did everything, and the child was innocent... Yuyu took you as her own grandfather. Yuyu is beautiful and lovely, sensible and filial. Please don't be so cruel to Yuyu... I, I am willing to leave the capital and go to the countryside. I am willing to see Yuyu all my life. Please keep Yuyu well and don't make her sad. I beg you..."

She lay down at the feet of old Xue and kowtowed to him.

Master Xue looked at her coldly and contemptuously.

The more Zhang Qiuping cares about Xue Ningyu, the more he will retaliate against Xue Ningyu. In the next time, what he does will make Zhang Qiuping most painful, and what he will do!

He held Shang Suihe's hand, "go, suisui, go home with grandpa!"

"Sui Sui!" Zhang Qiuping climbed to the foot of Shang Sui he, grabbed Shang Sui he's trouser leg and cried: "Suisui, look at your mother. I'm your mother! In the past 20 years, my mother has given you everything she can give you. My mother doesn't apologize for you at all. My mother doesn't ask for anything else. Just ask you to help my mother beg for mercy and let your grandfather love Yuyu as before. Don't drive Yuyu back. My mother asks you!"

She lay at the foot of Shang Suihe again and kowtowed to Shang Suihe desperately.

"Go away!" master Xue kicked her to the ground with one foot. "You are an inhuman beast who has separated the flesh and bones of others. You are not qualified to ask anyone! Suisui, let's go!", the fastest update of the webnovel!