You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6585

He grabbed Shang Suihe's hand and walked out.

Zhang Qiuping got up in pain and ran after them like crazy: "master Xue and suisui, please don't hurt Yuyu. I can die. You can let me die. Just don't hurt Yuyu. Yuyu is innocent!"

Neither master Xue nor Shang Suihe turned back.

Zhang Qiuping stumbled downstairs. When master Xue's driver saw someone crying after master Xue, she quickly got out of the car and stopped Zhang Qiuping.

Master Xue nodded slightly at Gu Chi and said goodbye to Gu Chi: "thank you for helping me find my granddaughter. When the family is over, I will come to the door and thank you again!"

"You're welcome," Gu Chi smiled at Shang Suihe. "As long as Miss Shang doesn't mind us having too much to do."

Shang Suihe blushed.

She could hear Gu Chi's insinuation. This was the sentence that she would mind blaming Gu's family for making a paternity test for her and Zhang Qiuping without her consent.

She took a deep breath and bowed to Gu Chi. "Thank Gu te for helping me find out the truth of my life. I will remember this kindness. When I have the ability in the future, I will pay a lot of rewards!"

Gu Chi smiled and said nothing more.

They don't have much to do with their family information group. They are also idle. Helping others check information is regarded as exercise, and they can also get some favor. There are all advantages and no disadvantages.

But the premise is that the other party has to be grateful. If they don't, why should they bother?

Now it seems that Shang Suihe is going to appreciate it, and it's not worth his trip.

Shang Suihe and Mr. Xue got into Mr. Xue's car and thought to themselves that they must think about what to say in the future, otherwise they would offend people too much!

After getting on the bus, Mr. Xue called his nephew and Xue Ningyu respectively and asked them to go home immediately.

After master Xue and Shang Suihe returned to Xue's house, his nephew and Xue Ningyu haven't come back yet. Master Xue ordered the housekeeper: "sell what Xue Ningyu can sell, donate and throw away what can't be sold. In short, I don't want to see anything related to Xue Ningyu in Xue's house in the future!"

The housekeeper was stunned and thought he had heard wrong.

"You heard me right," master Xue waved his hand impatiently. "Hurry and get rid of everything related to Xue Ningyu!"

The housekeeper heard clearly this time.

"OK, I see." although he didn't know why, he answered, left in a hurry and summoned people.

Xue Ningyu has a lot of things to deal with. It's not enough for him alone.

Master Xue looked at Shang Suihe: "go, suisui, Grandpa will take you upstairs to see which room you like. Grandpa will ask someone to redesign and decorate you."

Shang Suihe hesitated and said, "Grandpa, I'd better wait until the results of paternity test come out."

She is still worried that if the result of paternity test shows that she is not a child of the Xue family, she will become a joke at that time.

"You're too careful, you child," said master Xue disapprovingly. "You look like your mother. At first glance, you're the flesh and blood of my Xue family. Moreover, Zhang Qiuping personally admitted that Xue Ningyu is her daughter and you're my Xue family's child. Even if there's no paternity test, you're my granddaughter. Don't wait any longer.", the fastest update of the webnovel!