You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6583

She is so kind to Shang Suihe. How can master Xue be so ruthless to her own daughter?

"No, no, you can't do that!" she shook her head desperately. "Suisui is not my own daughter, but I treat her as my own, better than myself. What delicious food is good at home, I keep close to her. I gave her everything I can give her. I'm so good to your granddaughter. You can't turn your face on my daughter and don't recognize others. You can't..."

"You're good to my granddaughter?" Mr. Xue was furious. "You took my granddaughter and let her grow up in a poor family like you. Tell me you're good to my granddaughter? How can there be such a brazen person like you in the world?"

"No, I didn't mean to take your granddaughter. I accidentally took it wrong," Zhang Qiuping still denied. "I just found out recently that suisui is not my own daughter..."

"Stop quibbling," said master Xue coldly. "I don't believe a word you say! Just wait and I'll let you know what evil is rewarded! And your own daughter!"

Master Xue's eyes were full of cold and cruel: "you changed two children just to make your daughter live a good life? Wait for me, and I'll let you see with your own eyes how your biological daughter fell from heaven to hell, how to live in a way that heaven should not, the earth should not work, and life is not like death!"

Zhang Qiuping changed her two children just to make her own daughter live a good life. It can be seen that she is a person who loves her children.

When dealing with a person like him, he knows the truth that it takes seven inches to hit a snake.

Zhang Qiuping is a little person. Even if she ends up being a beggar in the street, it is not much different from her previous life. It is difficult to dispel his hatred.

In that case, he should start with the people and things she cares about most.

She wanted her own daughter to live a good life, but he didn't like her.

He wanted her to see with her own eyes that her daughter paid a painful price because of her original practice. Life is better than death.

Only in this way can he get rid of the evil spirit in his heart and eliminate the hatred in his heart.

"No, you can't do that!" Zhang Qiuping shook her head in horror. "My daughter is your granddaughter who has hurt you for 20 years! How can you turn your face? Although she is not your own granddaughter, you have lived together for 20 years. Don't you have feelings for her?"

She can't understand, not at all.

She thought that after twenty years of living together, master Xue had deep feelings for her daughter. Even if master Xue knew the truth, he would not do anything to her daughter. At most, he gave her more to her daughter before and less to her daughter in the future.

She never dreamed that master Xue was so cruel that he not only wanted to drive her daughter out of the Xue family, but also wanted to revenge her daughter!

Why is master Xue so cruel?

She did the job of changing children. Her daughter is innocent!

"Feelings? Of course I have feelings!" master Xue said coldly: "I hate it because I have feelings! My son and daughter-in-law died and left me only one granddaughter, but I didn't take good care of my granddaughter. I let my granddaughter wander away and hurt a fake for 20 years! How painful and anxious should my son know underground? My heart is broken when I think my son is unstable underground!", the fastest update of the webnovel!