You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6582

But now, both of them have become underground loess. She can't see them when she wants to see them.

Moreover, master Xue is right. She looks like her mother.

She has taken many photos. If you mix their photos together, many people must be unable to tell which is her and which is her mother.

She really wants to see them

She squatted on the ground with her mobile phone, crying.

"Good boy, good boy!" master Xue picked her up, took her into his arms and patted her on the shoulder.

Shang Suihe is very beautiful. Like his daughter-in-law, he is a classical beauty with good temperament.

In the past, he never understood that his son was gentle and elegant, his daughter-in-law was gentle and virtuous, and his only granddaughter was particularly noisy like a genetic change.

Now, he knows that it is because Xue Ningyu is not his granddaughter.

His granddaughter, like his son and daughter-in-law, is a rare beauty because of her beauty.

Xue Ningyu is also good-looking, especially before he thought Xue Ningyu was his granddaughter. When he saw Xue Ningyu, he brought his own filter. Xue Ningyu's arrogance and domineering was beautified by him as a naive and lively true nature.

Now that the filter is gone, he is filled with disgust when he thinks of Xue Ningyu.

Thinking of Xue Ningyu, he frowned and looked at Zhang Qiuping: "after I take Sui Sui home, I'll let someone send Xue Ningyu back, but it's not over. When the paternity test comes out, I'll call the police and catch you. You maliciously exchange two children, and I want you to pay legal responsibility!"

"Send Yuyu back?" Zhang Qiuping was stunned, then shook her head wildly: "no! You can't do this! Master Xue, Yuyu is your granddaughter! She has loved you for so many years. How can you send her back? You can't do that!"

"Why can't I do this?" master Xue looked at her coldly and said: "You maliciously exchanged two children in order to make Xue Ningyu live a good life in our Xue family. Now I know the truth. If I still keep her, am I not an idiot? I not only want to send her back, but also how much she spent in our Xue family from small to large. I'll ask someone to make a list. Your business wants a lot of money back to me, otherwise..."

He sneered, threatening.

With his identity and status, Zhang Qiuping and Xue Ningyu were impoverished for the rest of their lives and couldn't turn over all their lives. It's just a matter of one sentence!

Zhang Qiuping was stunned.

The development of things was quite different from what she thought.

She thought that even if master Xue knew the truth, he would at most let Shang Suihe take half or more of the inheritance right. Her Yuyu was still the eldest lady of the Xue family, but she had changed from the only eldest lady to one of the two eldest ladies.

In any case, she didn't expect that master Xue would make such a decision. He not only didn't give her daughter anything, but also sent her daughter back to the merchant.

How could he do that?

Her Yuyu has been in the Xue family for 20 years, calling him Grandpa for 20 years. Doesn't the Xue family have any feelings for her Yuyu?

Are they hard hearted?

She wondered how master Xue could be so cruel.

Shang Suihe is not her own daughter. She has no blood relationship with Shang Suihe, but she regards Shang Suihe as her own and gives all she can give Shang Suihe., the fastest update of the webnovel!