You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6581

She thought that when master Xue knew the truth, he might be angry and might take Shang Suihe back to the Xue family and divide half or even more of her own daughter's inheritance rights, but she never thought that master Xue would be so angry after he knew the truth.

It's like... It's like there's a deep blood feud with her.

She is Yuyu's biological mother!

Even for Yuyu's face, master Xue shouldn't attack her!

The development of things is completely different from what she imagined. If master Xue hates her so much, will it involve her Yuyu?

The more she thought, the more frightened she was. Her face was as white as paper and there was no blood at all.


When master Xue's confidant arrived, he called out to master Xue at the door.

Master Xue glanced at him and said to Shang Suihe, "give me a hair."

Shang Suihe could guess what master Xue wanted his hair to do. She pulled out a hair with hair roots and handed it to master Xue.

Master Xue took some of his own hair and handed it to his confidants, "go to do DNA identification."

His confidant nodded yes and hurried away with his hair.

In fact, there is no need to do paternity testing. Master Xue already knows that Shang Suihe is his own granddaughter, and Xue Ningyu is just a fake.

However, with paternity testing, it will be renamed zhengyanshun.

He took several deep breaths, tried to calm his mood, and asked Shang Suihe, "what do I call you?"

"My name is Shang Suihe," said Shang Suihe. "You can call me Sui."

"Suisui, although I haven't done the paternity test yet, I'm sure you're my granddaughter," said master Xue. "You should call me Grandpa."

Shang Suihe's eyes were red: "Grandpa... My parents..."

Seeing Shang Suihe's first sentence, he asked her parents. Master Xue was both pleased and sad: "they died long ago and were buried in Nanshan. When you have time, Grandpa will take you to worship them..."

"OK." Shang Suihe nodded with his eyes red and felt terrible in his heart.

She is a unlucky person. Although she knows her real life experience, she still can't meet her biological parents.

What a pity.

"Suisui, go home with Grandpa," said Mr. Xue. "There are photos and videos of your parents at home. Grandpa will show you... When the results of paternity test come out, Grandpa will take you to worship your parents..."

Shang Suihe hesitated.

Although the truth seemed clear, she was still afraid of making a mistake.

The result of paternity test has not come out yet. Everything is possible.

If she goes back with master Xue now and finds out that she is not the child of the Xue family when the results of paternity test come out, it will be embarrassing.

"You don't have to worry," Mr. Xue guessed her idea, took out his mobile phone and called out the album: "you see, this is a picture of your parents. You look too much like your mother. You can see that you are your parents' daughter without paternity testing."

Shang Suihe took the phone, looked through the photos on the phone one by one, looked at it, and tears poured out of his eyes.

She covered her mouth and tried to control herself so that she didn't cry.

In the photo, her father is young, elegant and elegant. She looks like a very gentle person. Her mother is gentle and charming. She smiles and has bright eyes. At first glance, she is a very happy woman., the fastest update of the webnovel!