You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6580

This is a despicable and selfish woman. She doesn't want her own daughter to live a hard life. No one noticed her while the hospital was in chaos. Two people died in his Xue family. The family are busy with the funeral of his son and daughter-in-law. She took the opportunity to exchange her own daughter with his granddaughter.

How can there be such a bad person in the world?

Her daughter was born in such a family. It's her daughter's life. How can she usurp someone else's life?

He has only one son and one daughter-in-law. His son is smart and capable, and his daughter-in-law Lan Xin Huizhi. The little husband and wife are happy and love each other. They are also very filial to the old man.

Originally, he was very happy, but a serial car accident ruined all his happiness.

His only son died, and his newborn granddaughter became the only pillar of his life.

In the past 20 years, he loved his only granddaughter as an eye, held it in his mouth for fear of melting, and held it in the palm of his hand for fear of falling.

But now, he suddenly found that his pain was the children of other people's families, his own granddaughter, suffering in a poor family.

He is really old and confused. How can he be worthy of his son and daughter-in-law when he does such a stupid thing?

His son and daughter-in-law know that they often see him taking the fake to sweep their graves and offer incense. How painful should his son and daughter-in-law be underground?

With this thought, he almost suffocated with heartache.

He raised his hand, pointed to Zhang Qiuping and said in a trembling voice, "I'll make you pay the price! People like you should go to hell!"

His voice was full of hatred. The light in his eyes was like a poisonous arrow. He wanted to pierce her heart at once.

Zhang Qiuping trembled with fear and shook her head desperately: "I didn't mean it... I really didn't mean it..."

She suddenly thought of something, stood up, staggered and rushed to Shang Suihe, grabbed Shang Suihe's wrist: "Sui Sui, you beg for your mother... You tell your grandpa that your mother loves you very much, and your mother's favorite person is you..."

"Shut up!" master Xue couldn't bear it. He strode over, kicked her to the ground, pointed to her nose, tears in his eyes and angry: "what kind of mother are you? My granddaughter has only my daughter-in-law and my son has only one father. Damn you, damn you!"

When the old man lived to such an old age, he saw many shameless people and many disgusting opponents, but he hated a person for the first time in his life.

His son and daughter-in-law left him such a little bone and blood, but the selfish and despicable woman took his only granddaughter and separated them, so that his son and daughter-in-law could not rest under the nine springs.

He hates me.

I wish I could tear Zhang Qiuping to pieces!

Zhang Qiuping was kicked to the ground by him. She covered her stomach and couldn't stand up.

At this moment, she felt what was anger of thunder.

The anger from master Xue was like the fierce fire from hell, burning around her, as if to burn her to ashes.

She trembled badly, curled up, looked at Shang Suihe humbly and begged: "suisui... Help me..."

She dared not call herself mother again.

She could feel master Xue's hatred for her and dared not stimulate him again.

She just doesn't understand why master Xue is so angry?

Her jade is also very good.

Over the years, her jade chenghuan is under the knee of master Xue. Master Xue also likes her jade, doesn't he?

Anyway, she is Yuyu's biological mother. Why doesn't master Xue have any affection for her?, the fastest update of the webnovel!