You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6579

The car sped all the way to the merchant.

After knocking on the door, he was stunned when he saw Shang Suihe.

At a fierce look, Shang Suihe was like his daughter-in-law coming back from the dead and standing in front of him.

If you look carefully, you can find the similarities with his son in the different places from his daughter-in-law.

Think about Xue Ningyu

He couldn't think of how Xue Ningyu was similar to his son and daughter-in-law.

Before the paternity test, he believed Gu Chi's words. Shang Suihe was his own granddaughter.

His eyes turned red, his eyes stared at Shang Suihe, his lips trembled and couldn't speak.

Shang Suihe looked at master Xue and was at a loss.

Gu Chi came up to say hello to master Xue: "Hello, chairman Xue, this is Gu Chi."

"Hello," master Xue shook hands with Gu Chi, "thank you for your help... Miss Shang looks like my son and daughter-in-law..."

This sentence seems to have sentenced Zhang Qiuping to death.

Zhang Qiuping stumbled back a few steps and fell down on the sofa.

Master Xue noticed her: "she..."

"Her name is Zhang Qiuping," Gu Chi said. "When your daughter-in-law died, your granddaughter was left unattended. The doctor entrusted your granddaughter to her to take care of her."

"I know..." master Xue looked at Zhang Qiuping coldly and said, "so you stole from yourself, changed the civet cat for the crown prince, and replaced my granddaughter with your daughter..."

"No... no... no..." Zhang Qiuping shook her head desperately.

"No?" as like as two peas, Xue Ningyu went on a few steps: "there is nothing in common with my son and daughter-in-law, but she is almost the same as my daughter-in-law. Is it still up to you to tell me that Yu Yu is not your daughter, but my granddaughter?"

"I... I..." Zhang Qiuping turned pale and trembled: "maybe... Maybe I accidentally held the wrong one, but I didn't mean to..."

At this point, the truth has surfaced. After a paternity test, the truth will be revealed. She can't argue, so she can only try her best to avoid guilt.

"You didn't mean it?" he thought that he had raised twenty children for others, but his own granddaughter was left out, and his heart hurt. "Do you think I'm a fool? When you were surrounded by two children, your own daughter and my granddaughter, as a mother, how could you make a mistake between other people's children and your own children?"

"Not only that," Gu Chi added, "but you already know that Xue Ningyu is your own daughter. It can be seen that you are not making a mistake, but on purpose."

"No, no..." Zhang Qiuping cried in fear: "I really didn't mean it. I made a mistake accidentally. How can I be willing to lose my own daughter? I really made a mistake accidentally..."

"It's because you don't want your own daughter to suffer that you deliberately exchange the two children," Gu Chi said. "Your husband is an alcoholic and domestic violence. The Xue family is a rich family. It's clear at a glance in which family the children grow up happier. That's why you exchange the two children, isn't it?"

"Drunkard? Domestic violence?" master Xue repeated these words again and scanned the room, which can be called a house with four walls, and the context in his heart became clearer., the fastest update of the webnovel!