You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6578

Gu Chi paused and continued: "when your son and daughter-in-law died in a car accident, your Xue family failed to rush to the hospital in time to deal with the aftermath of your son and daughter-in-law, so the hospital entrusted Ms. Zhang to take care of your granddaughter. Who knows..."

Don't worry about the latter words. Master Xue also understood.

Civet cat for prince!

He didn't know how many times he had heard the story of the civet cat changing the prince, but he never dreamed that such a thing would happen to him.

He was stunned for a long time before his frozen brain began to rotate again.

He took a deep breath and asked Gu Chi in a trembling voice, "Gu tezhu, where are you now? Can we meet?"

"Of course," Gu Chi said, "I'm at Miss Shang's house now. If chairman Xue doesn't mind, we can meet here."

Gu Chi reported the address of Shang Suihe's house.

"Don't mind," said master Xue urgently, "I'll be there right away!"

After he hung up his cell phone, he picked up the phone, pressed two numbers and hung up again.

When he heard the shocking news, his first reaction was to let his nephew go with him.

But he turned his mind and gave up the idea.

That year, his only son and daughter-in-law had a car accident. He was heartbroken and busy dealing with the aftermath of his son and daughter-in-law. His granddaughter was picked up by his nephew.

Over the past 20 years, most of his niece's medical examination, parents' meeting and other trivial matters have also been handled by his nephew.

In the Xue family, in addition to his favorite granddaughter, his nephew Xue Yang is the one who loves his granddaughter most. It's better not to tell his nephew the news until the truth is determined.

He thought about it and called his confidant: "go to Yuyu and secretly take some of her hair. Don't let Yuyu find it, and don't tell anyone about it. After taking the hair, you will meet me immediately."

He told his men the merchant's address and hung up.

His confidants only obey his orders, not even his nephew. He can rest assured only by telling him about it.

He was stunned when such an idea suddenly came into his mind.

Because he suddenly found that he was on guard against his only nephew!

Why is that?

It seems that... Is a kind of intuition.

He felt that his nephew might know something, but he kept it from him

He pinched his eyebrows and shook his head.

forget it.

Don't think so much. The urgent task is to go to see Gu Chi and ask him about the situation in detail. After his confidants get Xue Ningyu's hair, they will immediately do a paternity test to find out which is his granddaughter.

He thought that his granddaughter, who loved more than his life and hurt for 20 years, might not be his own granddaughter. His heart hurt and he was going to have a heart attack.

I hope... I hope Gu Chi made a mistake.

Although Xue Ningyu was spoiled by him, he was somewhat willful and stubborn, but he was the best treasure in his hand who had been spoiled for 20 years!

If Xue Ningyu is not his own granddaughter, wouldn't his love and dedication over the past 20 years become a big joke?

How can he bear such a result?

Along the way, he thought about all kinds of possibilities. His thoughts were like a pot of boiled porridge. He just hoped that Gu Chi made a mistake. Xue Ningyu was his own granddaughter. Otherwise, he didn't know how to accept the result., the fastest update of the webnovel!