You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6577

"No, it's not like this..." Zhang Qiuping cried and shook her head desperately: "I accidentally held the wrong one. I really accidentally held the wrong one..."

Shang Suihe didn't believe it at all.

She stopped talking to Zhang Qiuping and turned to Gu Chi.

Gu Chi smiled and dialed a mobile phone number. "Hello, I'm Gu Chi, the president of Gu's group. I specially help Gu Chi. Are you chairman Xue?"

"What are you doing? It's none of your business here, you go out!" Zhang Qiuping rushed to Gu Chi like crazy, trying to grab Gu Chi's mobile phone.

Shang Suihe walked forward a few steps, stopped her and grabbed her arm.

Zhang Qiuping fought and struggled madly: "Shang Suihe, you let me go! I'm your mother and you were raised by me! Over the years, I've given you my best. I've worked hard to cultivate you. In order to make you eat well and wear well, I don't even want to eat meat. How can you treat me like this? Shang Suihe, you have to be filial to me! Let me go!"

Shang Suihe clenched his teeth and said nothing. He clutched Zhang Qiuping's arm with both hands. No matter how Zhang Qiuping struggled, he couldn't move a step.

On the other side of the mobile phone, Xue Zhongting was surprised: "Gu tezhu? I've heard a lot. You suddenly called me. What advice do you have?"

No one who has a place in the capital business district knows Gu's group, but they have no business contact with Xue's family and Gu's family. He felt very strange when Gu's special assistant suddenly called him.

"I don't deserve your advice. I want to tell chairman Xue," Gu Chi said with a smile. "A friend of our young master made a girlfriend named Shang Suihe. Suddenly someone bought a murderer and tried to kill Miss Shang. As a result, he hurt my young master's friend. My young master asked me to help me find out the behind the scenes agent. Unexpectedly, I found Miss Shang's life experience..."

Hearing this, Zhang Qiuping was about to collapse.

She cried loudly and knelt at the foot of Shang Suihe: "suisui, mom, please don't let him go on... You'll destroy Yuyu. Yuyu is doing well now. Why do you have to destroy her? Mom, please don't be so cruel?"

Shang Suihe looked at her expressionless, his eyes cold, no waves on his face or in his eyes.

Zhang Qiuping's performance today overturned her previous cognition of Zhang Qiuping.

The person in front of her is not the kind or even cowardly, selfless mother who is almost harsh to herself.





If she is really kind, how can she change other people's children?

If she is cowardly, how can she have the courage to trade her children for other people's children?

If she is selfless, how can she kindly let her own daughter enjoy happiness in other people's homes, but let other people's daughters suffer in their homes?


It's all fake.

Zhang Qiuping is a fake from the inside out!

She will never believe her again!

On the other side of the cell phone, old Xue, who was originally sitting, couldn't help but stand up and even held his breath.

He had realized what Gu Chi was going to say next.

His heart seemed to stop beating.

"Chairman Xue, you must have guessed when I said this," Gu Chi didn't sell off and directly said the result: "from the clues I have now, it is very likely that Miss Shang is your own granddaughter. Your current granddaughter, Miss Xue, is the daughter of a woman named Zhang Qiuping...", the fastest update of the webnovel!