You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6576

Zhang Qiuping couldn't bear it. She slapped Shang Suihe in the face and interrupted her words. She trembled angrily: "Shang Suihe, are you an animal? I'm your mother! You drank my milk from birth. You were raised by me. You dare to scold me. How can you be so disobedient and unfilial?"

Shang Suihe covered his face, looked at him coldly for a moment, sighed deeply and looked at Gu Chi: "excuse me, do you have the contact information of my grandfather? I want to contact him."

Gu Chi nodded: "of course."

For people like Xue Zhongting, it may be difficult for ordinary people to meet him or get his contact information, but for him, it's a piece of cake and simple.

Shang Suihe Chong Gu Chi slightly bent over: "please help me contact my grandpa, I will be very grateful to you!"

"Don't you contact him!" Zhang Qiuping screamed. She grabbed her arms with both hands and shook them hard. "Suisui, count mom. Please? Life is good. Why do you have to change? You just don't know anything. We continue to live the previous days, suisui. Don't contact him. Mom, please, suisui!"

She doesn't want Xue Zhongting to know the truth.

Although she thinks Xue Zhongting has raised her own daughter for 20 years, the person she loves most is her own daughter. Even if she knows the truth, she will still love her daughter. Anyway, Shang Suihe is the blood of the Xue family. If Xue Zhongting knows the truth, she will give Shang Suihe what originally belonged to her daughter.

Even, because Shang Suihe is the blood of the Xue family and her daughter is not, Xue Zhongting will distribute most of his property to Shang Suihe and only a small part to her daughter.

Her daughter could have got everything from the Xue family. Suddenly there was so much less and the gap was so big. Her daughter will be sad!

Moreover, in the past, her daughter was the real daughter of the Xue family. If Xue Zhongting knew her daughter's life experience, her daughter would become a fake. If people outside knew the news, her daughter would be laughed at!

She was worried and hated.

Why change?

Didn't you live well in the past?

Why do you have to dig out the truth of your life experience and make so many troubles?

She grabbed Shang Suihe's arm and begged: "Suisui, my mother wants to live a steady and steady life. She doesn't want to change or listen to other people's gossip. Suisui, the person my mother loves most is you. Our mother and daughter have been living together for so many years. We've been doing well. We don't want to change. We continue to live a peaceful life. Suisui, mom, please!"

Shang Suihe broke off her hand, stood up, took a few steps back, looked at her coldly and said, "Mom, you want a peaceful day and don't want to change. You shouldn't have exchanged your own daughter with me at the beginning. If you didn't exchange me with your own daughter at the beginning, you can live a peaceful day that hasn't changed all your life!"

"No, I didn't mean it!" Zhang Qiuping cried, "I accidentally held you two wrong..."

"I don't believe it!" Shang Suihe's eyes and voice were the same cold. "If you accidentally hold the wrong one, you won't know so clearly... You know everything so clearly. It can be seen that you are premeditated. You just want your daughter to live a good life in my house, so you exchanged me with your own daughter. You... Are so selfish and despicable!", the fastest update of the webnovel!