You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6575

"Maybe he doesn't want to know the truth at all?" Zhang Qiuping said anxiously, "he likes Yuyu very much and loves Yuyu most. Yuyu is everything to him. With Yuyu by his side, he is very happy. Why do you have to disturb his peaceful life?"

"Miss Shang," Gu Chi, who didn't speak for a while, suddenly said, "we found out who your grandfather is. Your grandfather's name is Xue Zhongting. He started in real estate and has a fortune of more than 100 million..."

He glanced at Zhang Qiuping with a slight hook on his lips: "your grandfather is so rich. No wonder he is coveted. The civet cat changes the crown prince."

"You... You..." Zhang Qiuping looked at Gu Chi fiercely, and her eyes were shocked.

Just now, the man said that he could find out who Shang Suihe's biological parents were in a few minutes. She thought the man was bragging.

But now, just a few minutes later, the man found Xue Zhongting's name.

How could there be such a person in the world?

It's incredible!

"Xue Zhongting..." Shang Suihe murmured the name once and said softly, "I've heard the name... My classmate said that he donated a library to let his granddaughter go to our university. The name of the library is called Zhongting Library..."

Is the old man who donated a library to let his granddaughter go to a good university unexpectedly her grandfather?

In order to let his granddaughter go to a good university, he spent a lot of money and donated a building, which shows how much he loves his granddaughter.

At first, if Zhang Qiuping didn't take her away, she is the one loved by the old man now, isn't she?

Zhang Qiuping... In order to make her daughter live a good life, she separated their grandparents and grandchildren. She is so selfish!

"Suisui, listen to me!" Zhang Qiuping grabbed Shang Suihe's arm with a white face: "Master Xue has raised Yuyu for more than 20 years. His favorite person is Yuyu. If he knows that Yuyu is not his son's blood, he will be sad. He is old and in poor health. If he suddenly suffers such a blow, he may have cerebral hemorrhage or something, and his life will be gone. How can you bear to disturb his peaceful life when he is so old?"

Shang Suihe shook off her hand and said coldly: "After all, you still want your daughter to enjoy prosperity in the Xue family! But why? I'm the blood of the Xue family and my grandfather's only granddaughter. I should be filial to my parents under my grandfather's knees. I should go to my parents' graves to worship on the tomb sweeping day to make my parents feel at ease underground, but all this has been destroyed by you! Now, the truth is known, you You still want me to say nothing and continue to hide the truth. Do you think I'm a fool? "

"Why do you have to tell the truth, just because the Xue family has money?" Zhang Qiuping was worried. "Suisui, I'm your mother! You were raised by me. It's better to raise grace than to live grace! Our mother and daughter have been living well, haven't you? You just don't know anything. Isn't it good for our mother and daughter to continue to live a peaceful life in the future?"

"No!" Shang Suihe said coldly, "if you had accidentally held me wrong, you would still be my good mother. I would be filial to you and listen to you, but you are not! You deliberately replaced me with your own daughter. You separated me from my grandfather. You are cruel, selfish and despicable, you...", the fastest update of the webnovel!