You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6574

Gu Chi couldn't help laughing, "I don't know whether to judge you as too stupid or too smart. Your family is very poor, but miss Shang's biological parents are rich. When Miss Shang returns to her own home, she can not only get a lot of wealth, but also recognize her relatives connected with her blood. In this case, even a fool knows what choice to make? You even advised her not to return to her Their own home, also said you love her, you love her? "

He hooked one lip corner and looked at Zhang Qiuping with mockery.

Zhang Qiuping was so impressed by him that she didn't dare to lift her head. She muttered, "I think suisui and I have a good life now. We don't lack food or clothing. Everyone's life is very good and calm. Why do we have to change?"

Shang Suihe looked at Zhang Qiuping coldly and found that she had never really known the woman in front of her.

In the past twenty years, she has always felt that her mother is a kind and selfless person, especially the best mother in the world.

Although her family was poor, her mother did her best to give her everything she had and treated her better than herself.

But now... Her mother's image collapsed in her mind.

This... What kind of person is this?

Just because her family had money and the merchant had no money, Zhang Qiuping exchanged her with her biological daughter.

Now, some people want to kill her and want her life, so it involves her life experience. Zhang Qiuping not only doesn't feel guilty, but also advises her not to meet her relatives!

Zhang Qiuping's image in her mind completely collapsed, and her heart was cold.

"Who are my parents?" she asked, looking at Zhang Qiuping coldly.

"Why do you have to know who your parents are?" Zhang Qiuping said angrily, "I raised you. I've given you everything I can give you in the past 20 years. I'm your mother!"

"Are you my mother?" Shang Suihe looked at her sarcastically. "Was I born to you? Was the blood flowing in our two blood vessels the same? If what you said is true, my parents left me such a little bone and blood when they came to the world, but after they died, I couldn't go to their graves to worship on the Qingming Festival. How sad should they know?"

"Yuyu has gone to worship..." Zhang Qiuping muttered, "Yuyu doesn't know her own life experience. She treats your parents as her parents. She must really worship your parents..."

"You are so cruel!" Shang Suihe looked at her eyes and almost hated: "my mother died when she gave birth to me. I am her only blood and concern in the world, but you exchanged your own daughter with me. Every year, a fake replaces me to worship her. How painful would it be if she knew underground?"

"But they are dead. What do the dead know?" Zhang Qiuping argued: "They are dead, and the dead disappear. They don't know anything. But your grandfather is still alive. If you let your grandfather know that the granddaughter who worships his son and daughter-in-law over the years is not their blood, he will be sad. He is old. Why should you let him bear the blow? It's better not to say anything. We'll live as before, isn't it good "Is that right?"

After a moment of silence, Shang Suihe said, "I think he wants to know the truth more than being kept in the dark.", the fastest update of the webnovel!