You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6564

"I'm sorry!" she said to Gu Chi, "just now my attitude was a little bad... Today's matter was originally that I implicated Dingbang brother. You care about Dingbang brother and try to find the murderer behind the scenes. You are helping me and Dingbang brother, but I blame you. It's too wrong."

Gu Chi said, "Miss Shang is serious. It's really that we didn't consider it thoroughly. We didn't discuss it with Miss Shang in advance."

In Chu Dingbang's face, it's a way to apologize, but if things happen again, they will choose to do paternity testing first, because it saves time.

Chu Dingbang almost lost his life. They were looking for the real murderer behind the scenes to help Chu Dingbang. Chu Dingbang almost lost his life because of Shang Suihe's involvement. There are reasons and results. With this cause and effect, they cut first and then speak later. It's not reasonable, but there's no problem with emotion.

If Chu Dingbang and Shang Suihe blame them for taking care of their family, it can only show that they take care of their family wrong and ignore their business in the future.

Now it seems that although Chu Dingbang is not their young master's best friend, it is generally passable, and it is not worth their young master's worry about Chu Dingbang.

Shang Suihe said in a trance: "I know, you are for the good of me and brother Dingbang..."

Gu Chi smiled, "Miss Shang, if you have time now, can you take me to see your mother? I'd like to ask Miss Shang's life experience and see if there is anything hidden in it, so that she has caused death for you. Find the murderer behind the scenes as soon as possible and avenge the young master Dingbang as soon as possible."

Shang Suihe hesitated for a moment and nodded: "OK..."

She looked at Chu Dingbang: "brother Dingbang, you can keep it. I'll take Mr. Gu to see my mother."

Chu Dingbang nodded and said to Gu Chi, "Xiao Chi, it's hard for you."

"It's all right," Gu Chi chuckled. "Your eldest brother is on a mission outside and can't come back for the time being. He specially called our young master and asked our young master to take care of you for him. Our young master promised that your eldest brother would take care of you for him, and he will do it."

He said this to Shang Suihe.

They don't take care of their family when they are full. They take care of everyone's business.

One of the reasons for meddling in Chu Dingbang's business is that Chu Dingbang and his young master are good friends. Another is that Chu Dingbang's eldest brother knew that Chu Dingbang had a car accident and couldn't come back for a while because he was on a mission in other places. He specially called their young master and asked his young master to help Chu Dingbang find out the murderer and avenge his revenge.

Make it clear that the province's suffering is not good.

Chu Dingbang is also a smart man. After hearing Gu Chi say this, he knows that Gu Chi still cares about what Shang Suihe just said.

Their brothers, who grew up together, not only have a strong personal relationship, but also have long been integrated with family interests. Unless it is a family secret, they have always moved forward and backward together regardless of each other.

He had a car accident and was implicated by Shang Suihe. Of course, it won't involve family secrets. Gu Jun sent Gu Chi to help him one by one. It's love.

But he was just questioned by Shang Suihe. Although Gu Chi didn't say anything, he was still uncomfortable.

He can't explain anything to Gu Chi now. He can only invite a guest after this thing is over, thank his brothers, and find some good things to give to Gu Chi and Gu Qi, so that they can know that no matter what Shang Suihe thinks, he is grateful to his brothers for their kindness., the fastest update of the webnovel!