You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6563

Sometimes, her father beat people without warning. Before she could hide, her mother hid her in her arms and blocked her with her own body, lest she be beaten by her father.

From small to large, her mother is the best person to her in the world. She is reluctant to let her eat any hardship and suffer any crime. Her mother is the best mother in the world. How can her mother not be her own mother?

"Miss Shang, your mother is really not your biological mother," Gu Chi said. "My colleagues found that you and your mother have no resemblance at all. They took your mother's hair for paternity test and found that there is no blood relationship between you."

"You... How can you do this?" Shang Suihe blushed: "how can you take my mother's hair and me for paternity test without my consent? You're too, too overbearing!"

Gu Chi was stunned and nodded at her: "I'm sorry, Miss Shang, my colleague did something wrong and didn't ask for your consent in advance. However, although it was your private affair, it was master Dingbang who nearly lost his life. Our young master and master Dingbang are brothers and sisters. We want to find out the real culprit behind the scenes as soon as possible, not only revenge for master Dingbang, but also eliminate the hidden dangers in the future. Based on these considerations, we may do something wrong It's comprehensive. Please forgive me, Miss Shang. "

"But..." Shang Suihe opened his mouth and stopped talking.

She thought it was too much for Gu Chi to take her and her mother's hair for paternity test without her consent, but Gu Chi was right.

She was the one Zhou Chao wanted to kill, but Chu Dingbang was the one who stopped the disaster for her.

Chu Dingbang almost died. As a friend of Chu Dingbang, he was anxious to find the real murderer behind the scenes. He took her and her mother's hair for paternity test without her consent. It seems that it is not unforgivable.

After all, she deserved it first.

Chu Dingbang also felt that Gu Qi took Shang Suihe's and her mother's hair for paternity test without Shang Suihe's consent. The correct way should be that after Gu Qi suspected that Shang Suihe and her mother were not biological mothers and daughters, he first came to see Shang Suihe and explained the matter with Shang Suihe. After Shang Suihe nodded and agreed, he took Shang Suihe's and her mother's hair as parents and children appraisal.

Gu Qi takes Shang Suihe and her mother's hair for paternity test without authorization, which is wrong.

But it's just wrong in reason, but it's no problem emotionally.

Gu Qi is so anxious that he spared no effort to help him check this matter. Isn't it because Gu Junzhu wants to help him find out the real murderer behind the scenes and avenge him?

Their fifth brother cares about him because he cares about him. If he still dislikes this and that, he is unkind and ruthless!

"Suihe, don't mind," Chu Dingbang explained to Shang Suihe: "Our brothers have always been inseparable from each other. Xiao Qi did this to find out the murderer behind the scenes as soon as possible. If we discuss with you, we don't know how long it will take. During this period, there may be changes... In fact, even if we discuss with you, you will agree to do paternity testing. In the end, this is the result, right?"

Shang Suihe thought and nodded hard: "yes..."

Even if the other party discussed with her, no matter how tangled she was, she would eventually agree to do paternity testing.

People are driven by curiosity, and she is no exception.

When someone suddenly said to her, we suspect that you and your mother are not biological mother and daughter. We want to make a paternity test for you and your mother to confirm that she can't do it.

She just couldn't accept the result for the moment and annoyed each other, the fastest update of the webnovel!