You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6565

Gu Chi and Shang Suihe leave the hospital and return to Shang Suihe's home.

Shang Suihe lived in an old apartment in the old area. When Gu Chi's car drove downstairs, people nearby looked at them curiously.

Gu Chi's car is very expensive at first sight, which is incompatible with this old community.

Shang Suihe said hello to several acquaintances and took Gu Chi upstairs.

Take out the key to open the door and invite Gu Chi in. While changing his shoes, Shang Suihe said, "Mom, I'm back."

Zhang Qiuping came out of the bedroom: "Why are you back so late? Have you had dinner?"

"Yes," Shang Suihe said to Gu Chi, "Mr. Gu doesn't have to change his shoes. Just sit inside."

Zhang Qiuping was stunned when she saw Gu Chi. "Is this your friend, Sui Sui?"

Shang Suihe hesitated: "yes."

"Please sit down!" Zhang Qiuping warmly asked Gu Chi to sit down.

Zhang Qiuping and Gu Chi sat down face to face. Shang Suihe entered the kitchen and quickly brought out a glass of water and put it in front of Gu Chi. "Sorry, there are few guests at home and no drinks."

Gu Chi smiled, "it's all right."

Zhang Qiuping looked at Gu Chi and Shang Suihe, wondering.

Just now, she thought Gu Chi was her daughter's girlfriend, but now, seeing her daughter's attitude towards Gu Chi so polite, she doesn't feel like it.

Zhang Qiuping looked at Shang Suihe and stopped talking.

Shang Suihe understood her, hesitated for a moment and said, "Mom, Mr. Gu is not my boyfriend, he is my boyfriend's friend."

"Your boyfriend's friend?" Zhang Qiuping was surprised and happy. "You child, it's really about boyfriend. Why don't you tell your mother?"

Shang Suihe said: "after talking for a while, the relationship was not stable. I wanted to bring him home when the relationship was stable. Unexpectedly, there was an accident..."

"An accident?" Zhang Qiuping asked with concern: "what accident?"

"Someone tried to kill me, and my boyfriend saved me..." Shang Suihe told Zhang Qiuping everything that happened today, including the results of paternity test.

At the beginning, Zhang Qiuping was just worried. When she heard that someone had made a paternity test with her and Shang Suihe's hair, the results of the paternity test showed that she and Shang Suihe were not mother and daughter. She changed color impressively, her face was pale without a trace of blood, her eyes were frightened and trembled.

Seeing her look like this, Shang Suihe understood everything.

She gently breathed out, stared at Zhang Qiuping and asked, "Mom, you know, right? You know, I'm not your own daughter!"

She didn't expect it to be like this.

On the way home, she always thought that her mother must be like her. She didn't know the truth and thought they were mother and daughter. Otherwise, her mother wouldn't love her so much these years.

Maybe, like in a TV play, her mother accidentally held the child wrong when she gave birth in the hospital.

This kind of case has been reported many times in the news, and even several children hold it wrong in a row.

Maybe she was like this. Without her mother's knowledge, her own daughter was taken away by others, and she was taken home by her mother.

But now, seeing Zhang Qiuping's expression, she knew that she was wrong.

Her mother knows her life experience and that they are not biological mothers and daughters. Otherwise, the look on her face at the moment should only be shock and disbelief, not now. In addition to a little shock, it is more anxiety and panic., the fastest update of the webnovel!