You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6560

Maybe it won't take long for the police to find out the truth.

If it's just an accident, he just needs to lose money. Even if Shang Suihe dies, he will be sentenced to two or three years.

But if he is defined as intentional homicide, it will not be as simple as two or three years. He may not be able to get out of prison for ten or eight years.

His life is over!

The more he thought, the more he panicked. His face was pale, and a big cold sweat slipped down his cheek.

The leading policeman said in a deep voice, "Zhou Chao, be lenient in confession and strict in resistance. If you can take the initiative to confess, we will help you plead with the judge. You may be sentenced to a few years less. If you bite to death and don't admit it, we will find evidence... The crime of attempted homicide has started for at least ten years. The nature is bad and the sentence is heavier. You should consider it clearly."

Zhou Chao's face was more ugly and his cold sweat flowed faster.

He has an intuition that he can't escape this robbery. As long as the police are given time, the police can find out everything.

However, he felt unwilling to let him do so.

What if the police can't find out?

"Zhou Chao, don't take chances," said the policeman coldly. "Since we already know that someone has helped you pay off the usury, we have determined that you have a problem. We won't give up the investigation until we find the conclusive evidence. That is to say, sooner or later, we will find the evidence of your crime. At that time, you will lose the opportunity to strive for confession and leniency."

Zhou Chao's psychological defense collapsed.

The efficiency of the police was too high. It was found that someone paid off the usury for him in such a short time, which made him full of awe for these police.

The efficiency of the police case made him feel that he couldn't hide it.

Even if he bites to death and doesn't admit it, the police will find evidence and convict him sooner or later.

In that case, he might as well confess and strive for leniency.

"I said..." he said in a trembling voice: "Someone really asked me to kill Shang Suihe, but I don't know who that person is... I haven't seen that person. He has been contacting me on his mobile phone. He told me that as long as I killed Shang Suihe, he will help me repay the usury... I'm afraid he will default and disagree. He also said that he can help me repay the usury first, and then I will kill Shang Suihe, but I can't break my promise, If he helps me repay the usury, but I don't work for him, he has 10000 ways to kill me... "

He trembled and said, "although the man used a sound transformer, I can't hear his real voice, but I can hear that he is a terrible man. He helped me pay off the usury. If I don't work for him, he may really kill me... So... So I..."

The policeman who led the team said, "so you decided to kill Shang Suihe?"

"Yes..." Zhou Chao said, "he promised me that as long as Shang Suihe died, he would give me another three million..."

He owed 1.5 million from usury. If he could kill Shang Suihe, the other party would give him another 3 million, which would add up to 4.5 million.

Without this windfall, he might not have made so much money in his life.

Wealth insurance.

He decided to gamble for money.

Unfortunately, he was unlucky. Shang Suihe didn't die. He was locked by the police early.

After listening to his story, the police with the team waved to his subordinates. His subordinates understood and hurried away to continue the investigation.

Gu Junzhu said everything Zhou Chao should say. He couldn't get other valuable clues from Zhou Chao, and then left., the fastest update of the webnovel!