You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6561

When several people left the emergency room, Chu Dingbang had also been sent out of the operating room by doctors and nurses to the intensive care unit.

Family members were not allowed to enter the intensive care unit. After confirming that Chu Dingbang was not in danger, they left the hospital and went to the club in shengxicheng.

When they arrived at their private suite, someone soon brought them food and drink. Several people ate and talked.

Of course, the topic of conversation is Chu Dingbang and Shang Suihe.

"Let me touch it," said Qiao Jieran "So now we know that Dingbang made a girlfriend named Shang Suihe. Her girlfriend offended an unknown man. The unknown man hired Zhou Chao and wanted to kill Shang Suihe. As a result, Shang Suihe was not dead, and Dingbang helped Shang Suihe stop the disaster!... then the question comes. First, who was the person who wanted Shang Suihe to die? Second, How did Shang Suihe offend that man? Why did that man want to kill Shang Suihe? "

"I've asked Gu Qi to check the information about Shang Suihe," Gu Junzhu said. "There should be news soon."

"That's necessary! Xiaoqi's hand must be no problem!" Qiao Jieran was full of confidence in Gu Qi.

Lu Shiqiu said: "Shang Suihe is really lucky. First Dingbang stopped the disaster for her, and now we help her find out. If Dingbang and us were not, her life might have been lost sooner or later."

"Almost," Si Nuo said, "the people who hire Zhou Chao are millions. It can be seen that they are powerful people. If Shang Suihe blocks his way, he is iron and wants to let Shang Suihe die and Shang Suihe will lose his life sooner or later."

Joe said, "so, should we send someone to protect Shang Suihe?"

"The people around Dingbang will certainly protect her?" Si Nuo said: "moreover, when Dingbang wakes up, he will send someone to protect her. It's easier to kill a person by surprise. Now both Dingbang people and Shang Suihe have a sense of prevention. It's difficult for that person to start again."

Joe thought for a moment and nodded: "it makes sense, we..."

What else did he want to say? Gu Junzhu's cell phone rang.

Gu Junzhu connected his mobile phone and put it in his ear. Gu Qi's voice soon sounded: "Young master, I sent you the details of Shang Suihe. Shang Suihe's growth experience is nothing special, but I found that Shang Suihe has nothing in common with her mother. I've asked someone to take Shang Suihe's mother's hair and prepare to do DNA testing for Shang Suihe's mother and daughter. The monitoring results will take about five or six hours."

Gu Junzhu said, "it's all right. It's not urgent."

After he hung up his cell phone, he opened the information sent to him by Gu Qi.

The information is very detailed, but as Gu Qi said, there is nothing special.

Shang Suihe has no special residence except beautiful, good academic performance and smart people.

In particular, her family is more ordinary, not more ordinary.

My father was an alcoholic and died many years ago. My mother was a dishwasher in a hotel. She was introverted and cowardly. She spoke softly and dared not speak loudly.

According to Gu Qi's understanding, the relationship between Shang Suihe's mother and daughter is very good. Shang Suihe's mother Zhang Qiuping loves Shang Suihe very much. Although her family is poor, Zhang Qiuping saves food and clothes and wants to buy Shang Suihe new clothes and shoes for fear that Shang Suihe will be despised by the students in school., the fastest update of the webnovel!