You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6559

He believed that the people standing in front of him could make their whole family poor and unable to turn over in a lifetime with only one word!

He's scared.

The more I think about it, the more I fear it. I tremble all over. My face, which was originally white because of pain, is now white without a trace of blood.

"How about? Do you want to tell the truth?" Joe said foolishly. "If you tell the truth, you can bear the responsibility alone. But if you don't tell the truth, I promise that from today on, your whole family can't find a job and have no income. You can only go to the street to beg!"

"You, you are too arrogant!" Zhou Chao was angry and afraid. "Now it is a society ruled by law. Even if I accidentally hit your friends, you can't do anything to my family!"

"Who said he did it to your family?" Qiao Jieran said, "if I don't do it, I'll talk."

Of course, before moving his mouth, he would ask someone to check the Zhou family.

If the Zhou family has a good character and only a scum like Zhou Chao, they won't do anything to the Zhou family.

They are all people with principles. How can they deal with ordinary people casually?

Those words were just casually said to put pressure on Zhou Chao.

But if the results of the survey show that the Zhou family is not a good thing, what he just said casually will become a reality.

But he won't tell Zhou Chao these words.

From his experience, from the moment he finished threatening Zhou Chao, he saw that Zhou Chao had a problem.

Since Zhou Chao has problems, of course, we should scare him. I hope Zhou Chao will expose more problems under fear.

Zhou Chao's face kept changing. Even the police saw that he had a problem.

Seeing the two policemen looking at him suspiciously, Zhou Chao began to secretly regret taking the business, but on his mouth, he said firmly: "I drank too much last night and didn't sleep all night. Today, my head was heavy. I accidentally hit the roadside. Moreover, my car hit several students standing on the roadside. It's not your friend. Your friend hit it by himself. It has nothing to do with me."

In order to resist the investigation, he got very drunk last night and stayed in the bar with his friends until the early morning.

If the police investigate, they can find out that he is telling the truth.

What else did Qiao Jieran want to say? A famous policeman knocked on the door and said to the policeman in charge: "boss, we found that Zhou Chao is a gambler. On the surface, he has no financial problems, but we found that Zhou Chao owed a large amount of usury, but just a few days ago, someone helped him pay off the usury."

Zhou Chao's heart mentioned his throat.

He found it incredible.

No one knows about his loan sharking except himself and the debtor.

His relatives and friends don't know why the police found it so easily?

Are the police so good now?

"Who repaid your usury?" Qiao Jieran looked at Zhou Chao and asked sharply, "the person who repaid your usury is the one who let you drive into Shang Suihe?"

Zhou Chao panicked.

He thought it was a secret that he owed usury. He never dreamed that the police could find out that he owed usury in such a short time!

The usury he owed was repaid by others. This is the biggest loophole. He can't make up for it by telling a hundred lies.

The police won't believe him.

From the moment the police knew that he owed the usury was returned to him at that moment, he was the suspect., the fastest update of the webnovel!