You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6556

"Ah, it's really small," said snow. "Dingbang is really an animal. He's very interested in such a small girl!"

"Calm down!" Lu Shiqiu patted him on the shoulder. "It's just a love affair. It's not marriage. It's not against the law. Our buddy is still lying in the operating room. It's not appropriate to say this now."

"Yes," said Qiao Jieran, "Dingbang risked his life for that little girl. It can be seen that it is true love. Dingbang is still lying in the operating room. What do you mean? It's really no brotherhood! Despise!"

Snow: "... Don't I just imply that you haven't been in love yet? Do you buckle such a big hat for me?"

Gu Junzhu: "

Are these goods really worried about Chu Dingbang's injury?

He didn't see it at all!

What else does he want to ask? The door of the operating room is open.

Seeing the doctor wearing a mask at the door of the operating room, the brothers immediately surrounded him: "Dean Li, how's my brother?"

"I broke three ribs and cracked my right leg. The operation was very successful and there was no life-threatening," President Li said after taking off his mask. "After watching in the operating room for half an hour, I was sent to the intensive care unit. After observing in the intensive care unit for one day, I was transferred to the ordinary ward without any abnormalities. I can be discharged from the hospital after being kept in the ordinary ward for about half a month."

"Thank you, President Li. You've worked hard!" several people thanked one after another, and then they were happy for their brother's life after the disaster: "it's OK! As long as there is no life danger, everything else is not a problem!"

Chu Dingbang's parents are not in China. Even if they know, they can't come back. Since Chu Dingbang's life is not in danger, the brothers decided not to inform his family of Chu Dingbang's injury for the time being. When Chu Dingbang wakes up, it's up to him to decide whether to inform his family.

They only informed Chu Dingbang's confidants and asked them to come and take care of people.

Half an hour later, Chu Dingbang's confidant arrived, and Chu Dingbang was pushed out of the operating room by the nurse.

Seeing the unconscious Chu Dingbang, Chu Dingbang's confidants almost cried, "I said to follow the young master. The young master said he was dating, disliked me as a hindrance, and said nothing to let me talk to..."

Well, I almost lost my life.

Fortunately, his life is not in danger. Otherwise, how could he explain to Chu Dingbang's parents.

Qiao Jieran patted him on the shoulder: "wait. When Dingbang wakes up, I'll scold him for you! Falling in love is not important for life safety, let alone falling in love. Even on the wedding night, you have to bring bodyguards when you should!"

Si Nuo hehe, put his right hand on his shoulder and looked around: "ah burning, where's your ah mu?"

Qiao Jieran's first bodyguard, Qiaomu, is one of the people Qiao Jieran trusts most.

They came to the hospital for more than an hour, and he didn't see the shadow of arbor.

Qiao Jieran: "

The face came so fast!

His mouth was hard: "my family has gone to help me deal with more important things. Can't I?"

"Really?" snow patted him on the shoulder. "He is your bodyguard. Is there anything more important than your personal safety for a bodyguard?"

"Come on, don't argue," Lu Shiqiu said. "When it comes to security, our fifth brother is the best. When we go out, we never have less than four bodyguards around. I especially admire our fifth brother."

They don't like to take bodyguards out. They don't think they are in the way, except their fifth brother., the fastest update of the webnovel!