You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6557

"Yes," Gu Jun chuckled, "I cherish my life."

Life is, everything is possible, life is gone, everything is gone.

He has to protect his life, honor his father and take care of his wife and children.

"Five elder brothers......" what did Qiao Jieran want to say, there was a sound of footsteps.

A girl with gauze wrapped in her palm came in a hurry.

The girl is about 20 years old, with willow eyebrows and apricot eyes, fair skin, slender and beautiful figure. She is a very bright beauty.

Qiao Jieran looked at the girl and secretly guessed her identity.

"Hello," the girl went to several people and asked eagerly, "excuse me, are you a friend of Dingbang? How's Dingbang's injury?"

"Yes, we are his friends," Qiao Jieran said. "The operation is very successful. There is no life-threatening. Just keep it up."

Qiao Jieran relayed what the doctor said to the girl: "are you..."

"I'm Dingbang's girlfriend," the girl said shyly, "my name is Shang Suihe."

"Oh, nice to meet you!" Joe reached out to her.

Shang Suihe stretched out his right hand and shook it with him: "thank you for coming to see brother Dingbang."

"Yes," Joe asked, "what's the matter with the car accident? Accident or man-made?"

"I don't know..." Shang Suihe shook his head: "I made an appointment with Dingbang to meet at the school gate. I waited for Dingbang on the roadside. The car suddenly hit me. Dingbang just arrived. Dingbang accelerated in his car and knocked the car crooked. He saved my life, but Dingbang himself was injured..."

The girl said, with water mist and tears in her eyes.

"How did you hurt your hand?" Qiao Jieran looked at her hand wrapped in gauze.

Ning Suihe looked down at his palm and said, "after Dingbang's car collided with that car, the car smoked and Dingbang fainted. I was very worried and wanted to pull Dingbang out of the car. I accidentally cut my palm."

Just now, she didn't stay outside the operating room. She was dragged to the emergency room by the police to sew a needle.

Lu Shiqiu looked at Shang Suihe for a moment and asked, "do you have an enemy? Do you think the car hit you deliberately or accidentally?"

"I don't have enemies," Shang Suihe shook his head and said, "I'm still a student. I mainly study. I usually have few contacts and have never had a conflict with others... The driver who hit me was slightly injured than Dingbang. He just broke his forehead and sewed needles in the emergency room. The police looked at him."

Lu Shiqiu looked at Gu Junzhu and said, "go and have a look?"

They must determine whether the accident was an accident or man-made.

If it is an accident, the driver who bumped into Chu Dingbang only needs to bear the corresponding legal responsibility, but if it is man-made, then they have to help Chu Dingbang find out who is behind the scenes and avoid future trouble.

This is the tacit understanding between their brothers. Although he just mentioned it briefly, Gu Jun knew what he meant one by one and nodded one after another.

Tell Chu Dingbang's bodyguard to stay outside the operating room and guard Chu Dingbang. Gu Jun leaves the operating room one by one and finds the injured driver sewing needles in the emergency room.

The driver's name is Zhou Chao. He not only hurt his forehead, but also his arms and legs. There are as many as five places that need to be sutured up and down, so the wound has not been treated yet.

There was a car accident at the school gate. The nature was bad. The police left four policemen to guard Zhou Chao, two in the emergency room and two outside the emergency room., the fastest update of the webnovel!