You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6555

In the evening, the family had a rest.

The next day, the family reviewed the courtyard as usual and had a reunion dinner with Mr. Gu.

When Gu met several children, he was not intimate enough.

Gu Jun told the master about the Jin family one by one.

After hearing this, the old man nodded with a smile: "Jin Yuan told me, but what he said was not as detailed as you said."

Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "the family is ugly! So even in front of you, uncle Jin doesn't have much fun to say."

"Yes!" Mr. Gu nodded with a smile: "he didn't say much about his family. He only praised you. He praised you for more than half an hour. He quickly praised you as a flower. He said that he was worried and couldn't eat or sleep. You solved it in a few words. He complimented me that I had a good son. He said a lot of compliments!"

Gu Junzhu smiled and said, "in fact, this is not a big event, that is..."

Before he finished, his cell phone rang.

He took his cell phone and looked at the screen.

It's Qiao Jieran.

He connected his cell phone and put it in his ear: "ah ran?"

"Brother five," said Joe in a hurried voice, "Dingbang has had an accident and is now sent to the hospital. I'm going to see him. Will brother five go? If you go, I'll follow you."

Gu Junzhu immediately said, "go, what's going on? Is it seriously hurt?"

"I don't know whether it's heavy or not. It's still in the operating room at the moment," Qiao Jieran said. "I heard that it was to save people and hit another car. Dingbang fainted at that time."

"To save people?" Gu Jun was puzzled.

"Yes," Qiao Jieran said, "I don't know the specific situation. It seems that a car crashed into a little girl. Dingbang drove into the car himself in order to save the little girl. As a result, both sides were hurt."

"I see. I'm in the courtyard. You don't have to come and pick me up. I'll go by myself." after hanging up his cell phone, he looked at Mr. Gu: "Dad, Dingbang was hospitalized in a car accident. I have to go and have a look."

Although he is not a doctor, it is human nature that his brother was hospitalized and rushed to visit him at the first time.

Of course, Mr. Gu should take one bite. "Go, be careful on the road."

Gu Junzhu said to Ye Xingbei again and took Gu Chi to the hospital.

According to Joe's instructions, he came to the operating room.

Qiao Jieran, snow and Lu Shiqiu were outside the operating room, looking anxious.

The others have not arrived or are not in the capital, but as long as they hear the news, they will come sooner or later.

He walked quickly over: "how's it going?"

"The operation is not over yet," Qiao Jieran said. "I just caught a nurse and asked. The nurse said that her life should not be in danger."

But people didn't come out and didn't hear accurate information. They always had no bottom in their heart.

"What about the driver of the other car?" Gu Jun asked one by one.

"It's also in the operating room," Qiao Jie motioned to the operating room with his chin. "I heard it's worse than Dingbang's injury."

"What about the girl saved by Dingbang?" Gu Junzhu asked again.

"In the doctor's office," Qiao Jieran said, "the driver has come and is taking notes for her."

"Where are the people in Dingbang?" Gu Jun looked around one by one and confirmed: "Dingbang didn't bring a bodyguard? Why didn't anyone around Dingbang see it?"

"Dingbang was alone," Qiao Jieran coughed and whispered, "I don't know whether the gossip I heard is true or false. That little girl is Dingbang's girlfriend..."

Gu Junzhu: "... There are no outsiders here. What are you doing with such a small voice?"

"Yes," said snow, "just like being a thief, isn't it love? Who hasn't been in love yet?"

Qiao Jieran: "... Get out!"

He hasn't been in love. What's the matter?

Do single dogs have no human rights?

Lu Shiqiu asked, "is that little girl too young to say?"

Qiao Jieran: "... It's not too young. I went to college this year. I'm 18 or 19 before I'm 20?", the fastest update of the webnovel!