You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6554

Many people say that children are the continuation of their parents' life, but for him, children are not only the continuation of their life, but also his life!

Whoever dares to take his life, he will take his life!

At night, lying in the tent, the top of the tent is transparent and you can see the stars.

The two little guys felt fresh and rolled around in the tent.

At home, ye Xingbei always said that the children should go to bed on time. If they sleep late, they will not grow tall and become stupid, but when they come out to play, ye Xingbei decided to indulge them once and let them toss.

Rolling around, the two little guys rolled until more than eleven o'clock. One lay down and the other fell asleep.

They closed their eyes,

Beautiful little face, like an angel, has a kind of magic that makes people calm and soft.

Ye Xingbei looked at their little faces with a smile and couldn't see enough.

Gu Junzhu smiled and patted her, "it's getting late. Go to bed."

"Hmm!" Ye Xingbei snuggled into his arms, closed his eyes, sighed and said, "I feel very happy... Our family is very good..."

There are no bad things like the Jin family, no wonderful relatives, no stepmother, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, and the elders are eccentric.

Their family love each other, rely on each other and support each other. Don't be too beautiful.

She is so happy!

They played in and around Huacheng for six days.

When he returned, Jin Yuan wanted to empty his warehouse and fill two private planes with all kinds of gifts.

If it's not really too much, he wants to send more.

He is so grateful to Gu Junzhu.

Those who are in the game and those who are on the sidelines are clear. That's right at all.

If Gu Junzhu hadn't helped him, he would have been kept in the dark by Lin Lin, who indulged Lin Lin to bewitch his three sons and spread all his anger on his sons.

Now, he drove Lin Lin out of the Jin family, and the relationship between his three sons became harmonious with the naked eye.

Although his wife loved Lin Lin, she hated Lin Lin more than he did when she knew what Lin Lin had done.

Mother's feelings for her children are always more intense than father's.

When his wife learned that Lin Lin had seduced his three sons, she choked Lin Lin's heart.

He is busy with his work. Sometimes he spends less time on his sons, but his wife is a full-time wife and has a lot of time. In the future, his wife will watch. Lin Lin won't want to get closer to his sons.

His family problems were finally satisfactorily solved.

This is Gu Junzhu's credit.

He was so grateful that he could not express his gratitude with only words, so he turned his gratitude into material. He wanted to empty his family to thank Gu Junzhu.

Gu Jun refused one by one, but had to accept it.

But when he got home, he chose an ancient painting and asked Gu Chi to help him go to the flower city. He handed the ancient painting to Jin Yuan and thanked him for his hospitality.

One reason he helped Jin Yuan was to help his father solve his problems. Another reason was that he wanted to sell Jin Yuan a favor.

Since I want to sell Jin Yuan's favor, of course, Jin Yuan will not be allowed to pay off with things.

Although he only asked Gu Chi to send Jin Yuan a painting, the work of a great man in the Tang Dynasty, which Jin Yuan liked, was of great value. It was almost the same value as the things Jin Yuan gave him.

Feelings are to come and go in this way, so that they can last for a long time., the fastest update of the webnovel!