You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6550

It's so fun outside. Mom has to go together!

Ye Xingbei leaned over to kiss him and pinched his soft little face: "well, I won't make trouble with you. Mom will play with you!"

A family of four finally got off the RV. Xiaoxie smiled and slapped happily when she saw her mother coming out of the car!

Ye Xingbei pinched his face: "baby, why are you so cute?"

"Cute!" thanks for slapping the minibus.

But he soon had no time to boast about himself. He saw his brothers running into the woods!

Want to go!

He earned it from Gu Jun's arms: "brother!"

Looking back at Qin Jun's small tree seedlings climbing at night, he ran towards him with small short legs upside down and immediately greeted him: "three treasures, run slowly!"

"Brother!" Xiaoxie jumped into the arms of the young tree and raised his small hand to Qin Junye: "climb high!"

The little tree miao'er turned his head and looked at Qin Junye who had climbed the tree like a monkey. He smiled and said, "yes, brother Ye climbed high."

His brother Ye is a cruel man who can kill a wild boar on his own. What is climbing a tree?

Xiao Xie looked at him eagerly: "Xiao Xie, want to climb!"

Little tree seedling: "

People are not small, ambition is not small.

He squatted down and grabbed the two small hands of Xiao Xie: "you are too young to climb a tree until you grow up."

Little thank you, twinkling eyes, pointed to a small tree next to the big tree: "small!"

A big boy climbs a big tree. He can climb a small tree!

The young tree looked at the small tree next to the big tree, "..."

Gu Yubing came over with a smile, "shall I take the young master to climb the tree?"

Xiao Xie immediately abandoned his beloved brother and opened his arms to Gu Yubing.

Little tree seedling: "

How heartless!

Gu Yubing took Xiaoxie to the small tree and held him up to the branch of the tree to sit. He held Xiaoxie's back and protected it carefully.

Xiao Xie Mei sat Zizi for a while, looked up at Qin Junye in the tree next to him, and her mouth flattened, "tall... Short."

Ling yuechong Qin Jun shouted, "Xiao Ye, come down!"

"What's the matter, brother Yue?" Qin Jun was looking up happily at night. He listened to Ling Yue calling him and looked down.

Ling Yue said, "thanks a lot, I also want to climb."

Qin Jun looked around at night and saw the little girl sitting on the dwarf tree. Thank you, "puff" laughed.

Thank you for staring at him for a moment. Suddenly, he cried.

Qin Junye: "

He didn't make you cry, did he?

Definitely not!

Ling Yue shouted, "don't come down quickly!"

Qin Jun didn't dare to delay at night. He quickly slipped down from the tree and ran to the tree under the small tree: "Sanbao, why are you crying?"

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, who had been walking and chatting next to each other, came over quickly when they heard the cry of little thank you.

"Son, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" Gu Jun hugged Xiaoxie down from the tree one by one, distressed.

Thank you for shaking your head while sobbing.

Gu Jun frowned and looked at Gu Yubing: "what's going on?"

Gu Yubing's anxious forehead was sweating: "nothing! I sat on the tree with the young master in my arms. The young master was very happy at the beginning. Night Shao smiled at the young master, and the young master cried."

Gu Junzhu looked at Qin Junye.

Qin Jun's scalp was numb at night: "I just smiled at Sanbao. I didn't even say anything!", the fastest update of the webnovel!